Roll Call! Since we have many newbies in here I thought it would be nice
AnonymousAugust 15, 2008 at 6:50 am
Hello family! Since we have so many newbies in here I thought I would start a roll call this morning for the day! Kind of introducing ourselves and where we may be from along with what we plan on doing this weekend! Good movie weekend, shopping etc.
I am Linda H and from North Carolina. This weekend if I feel good, my husband and I will go out and maybe hit a yardsale on Saturday morning. Go out for breakfast and then come home. We go treasure hunting every weekend. Then we do our yard chores and take a weekly physical therapy session in our cheapy pool. I go out to my container garden and pick what needs picking. Come in the house and either cook my fresh garden finds or freeze them. It’s a tiny garden but fun eating in the summer! No poisons on my veggies. I use regular flour to keep the worms and bugs off!
After that we will watch a few good movies and relax.
I hope everyone’s weekend is a nice and joyful one! -
AnonymousAugust 15, 2008 at 8:13 am
Hey! I am Amy Oliver from Arlington Texas. This weekend my husband and I will probably go house hunting again…and we all know how much fun that is!!! We’ve been living in this apartment for almost four years now…too long! So we’re looking for a house in a smaller, quieter town. For those who don’t know, Arlington is where they are building the new football stadium for the Dallas Cowboys. And we already live pretty close to the ballpark for the Texas Rangers. And Six Flags, and Hurricane Harbor. AAAGGGHHH!!!
Our lease is up at the end of December, so we HAVE to find a house by then. We ARE NOT signing another lease!! So we have a lot of work ahead of us.
The thing is, I’ve been feeling so bad lately, that it takes everything I have just to get out of bed, or take a few steps. The last thing I want to do is go out driving all day to look for a house. It’s so hard!! But I can do it!! If it means getting out of here!!! Wish me luck!! -Amy- -
AnonymousAugust 15, 2008 at 2:59 pm
Hi Amy! I hope you get very lucky and find that house you have wanted so badly. We bought our house 3 years ago and that move from a rented place was horrible! It’s amazing what you collect while being in one place. So you end up spring cleaning and throwing stuff out you no longer want. The packing is what got to me. Unpacking is too a job but not as bad as packing. I wish you very best of luck in finding your home and hope it’s before the lease runs out!
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