One of my favorite writers is Henri Nouwen, a former Catholic priest, who became a writer many years ago. He has published many daily devotional type books, my favorite of which is, “Bread for the Journey”. As you’ve all blessed me with acceptance, comfort, and information, I wanted to give just a little something back.
[I]”Friends as Reminders of Our Truth”
“Sometimes our sorrow overwhelms us so much that we no longer believe in joy. Life just seems a cup filled to the brim with war, violence, rejection, loneliness, and endless disappointments.
At times like this we need our friends to remind us that crushed grapes can produce delicious wine. It might be hard for us to trust that any joy can come from our sorrow, but when we start taking steps in the direction of our friends’ advice, even when we are not yet able to feel the truth of what they say, the joy that seemed to be lost may be found again and our sorrow may become livable.”
Henri J. M. Nouwen[/I]