Polyclonal increase in gamma globulins
AnonymousJune 15, 2010 at 7:58 pm
I have a question re: interpreting some blood work. My husband has CIDP–MADSAM. The doctor has done serum protein blood tests twice on him. Both times the tests come back with the pathologist’s comment: “Polyclonal increase in gamma globulins, with no monoclonal-type bands seen. No other abnormality noted.” The normal gamma globulin are 7-14 g/L, and my husband’s are 19. Can anyone tell us what this means? Hubby didn’t ask the doctor last time when they were elevated–just picked up the requisition to repeat and didn’t ask any questions. Thanks in advance.
PS the reason the test got ordered was hubby complained of profuse sweating with minor exertion.
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