Pain and Cymbalta ?
AnonymousJanuary 12, 2007 at 9:38 pm
I have severe pain and was put on cymbalta a couple of months ago and I must admit it seems to have decreased the pain some. I am still on nuerontin, 3000 MG a day and it did not seem to take care of much of the pain. Oh yeah, I am on narcotic pain killer and that is what has saved me the past 12 years. 12 is the number of years I have been sick with GBS. The cymbalta is 60 MG, taken once a day, and was wondering if this dose can be increased and maybe help with some more pain relief ? Anyone have any suggestions for me ? Thank you all in advance for any help on this matter.
AnonymousJanuary 13, 2007 at 3:50 pm
Hi Drummer,
I started a thread a while back on Cymbalta (try the search feature) and my horrible experiences with it. I stopped after 4 months on it. To the best of my knowledge, 60 mg. is the strongest capsule. I suppose you could take it twice a day… Just be careful and please read up on this medication – as we should with all of them. Good Luck!!!
AnonymousJanuary 15, 2007 at 2:30 pm
I just read about that drug. It is primarily an anti depressant but it seems to work well in controlling pain in diabetic neuropathy.
Its nice when you find something that works for you.
Nate is on Neurontin but it doesn’t always work well for his hands.
I will be asking our doc about it when we see him again. -
AnonymousJanuary 15, 2007 at 5:13 pm
I do understand the need for narcotics but there is a drawback with them, especially after taking them for 12 years. When they start to wear off, your pain will be more intense and no matter what else you take, the other meds probably won’t help at all.
My husband was taking Darvocet for 6 years along with Neurontin and at times the pain was so intense that none of the meds seemed to work.
I hope you find some relief from this pain.
AnonymousJanuary 15, 2007 at 8:58 pm
I have had chronic pain since getting sick 20 months ago. I can’t imagine twelve years of it! Neurontin helped me and increasing it last September gave me two months pain free, but the pain has come back and I don’t want to go even higher on neurontin, so for the first time I had to go to percocet. I know the dangers of it but it helps a lot. Another thread talked about taking pain vacations and that helped me a lot to understand the need to just have a period of time I can look forward to not being in pain. Another meeting with GBS’ers talked about knowing when you are addicted and when you are not. If you have to constantly increase the amount of medication you are probably addicted, but if you are able to stay at around the same dose you are not. The nurse presenting the talk said it did not hurt to take the narcotics if you kept that in mind and avoided any constant increase in dosage. I must admit it feels like a defeat to me to have to start as I hoped the pain would go away, but I guess I’d rather admit defeat than live in denial. I hope you find relief from your pain as you certainly have had enough of it. Good luck, Jeff
AnonymousJanuary 17, 2007 at 6:20 pm
I am still on Cymbalta, and thankfully havent had the reaction that Chrissy has had. When I tried to stop (and I think i did mention it in the Cymbalta thread), my whole body started its pain again. It was painful to walk etc. So …. it seems to be helping me a great deal, the only problems I still have are pains/burning/cramping in my hands if I am writing, cooking etc, and at times in my feet if I walk far.
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