Northwestern neuro? (Chicago)

    • Anonymous
      February 22, 2010 at 11:45 am

      I am not real pleased with my neuro at University of Chicago, and also am paying a lot of cab fare to travel from the city to Hyde Park. ($50 round trip) I am looking to potentially switch to Northwestern and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations. I did see Dr. Alan Shepard one time, (very nice) but he referred me back to the suburban dr. I don’t think he quite knew what to do with me, not a GBS expert. They have a group of docs that specialize in “movement disorders.” I have always treated at Northwestern for years and have been very happy with the docs, but went to U of C based on the GBS Foundation recommendation.

      Also, what does an immunologist do? Why do we treat with neuros instead of an immunologist? I am frustrated with how GBS or whatever I have seems to affect all different systems (gastro, urological, endocrinological, vascular, and on and on). All the neuros do is say, well, you’ll have to go see another specialist for that. If you have cancer that affects all different systems, you see an oncologist that specializes in a certain type of cancer, not all different doctors, right? Just venting a bit about the medical system. Neurologists went to medical school and learned about all these different things at one point, right?

    • Anonymous
      February 22, 2010 at 12:26 pm

      [FONT=”Microsoft Sans Serif”]i recommend dr. sufit at northwestern: [url][/url]

      if you read through my posts or my website, you will learn about how immunotherapists (not immunologists) treated and cured my cidp at northwestern. and i saw dr. sufit as the participating neurologist– excellent doctor. the contact information for the stem cell transplant programs is: [email][/email] –her name is paula gozdziak, she’s the nurse that handles things there. i have no idea if you qualify for the clinical trial– but thought you might be interested based on your queries.

      feel free to contact me privately for further information– my website has a contact page: [url][/url]

      another great neurologist at northwestern is dr. driss — i also worked with her some… [url][/url]

      in any case, best of luck to you!

    • Anonymous
      February 22, 2010 at 12:33 pm

      Thanks Alice, I appreciate it. I have been following your story, and best of luck to you. Very exciting. I looked up Dr. Burt and he seems to be doing great work. I saw a post from you about the neuro v immuno angle and I agree with you. Neuros seem to want to treat the symptoms, but never get to the root. Whenever I mention another symptom, they tell me to go see a specialist for this, and I say, “why? the nerves are causing this!” Hmm, they scratch their heads. Thanks again for the recommendations.

    • Anonymous
      February 22, 2010 at 12:43 pm

      [FONT=”Microsoft Sans Serif”]also, these neurologists are on board with the [I][B]’get to the root of the problem'[/B][/I] concept– and are wonderfully informed about our disorders– more than any other neuros i’ve met. i’m here in chicago now and speak with them often as my friend jim d. is going through the treatment i had. speaking of mayo– jim d. went to mayo and had their massive battery of neuromuscular disorder tests– wow– they almost even checked for worms 🙂 very thorough, yet very traditional. if you want to be in touch with jim to converse about his very recent experience at mayo, you can reach him through my website on his blog–

      take care,
      a.:cool: [/FONT]