Neurology Magazine Article on Exercise
AnonymousApril 20, 2007 at 10:52 am
Do any of you get the Neurlogy Now (I think that is the name) magazine that just came in the mail? It has an interesting article about exercise for people with neuropathy. They talk about the tune has changed where they now want neuropathy people (us) to do more exercise then they used to think was good.
I didn’t think about it until now that I could bring the magazine to work and scan it into a pdf file and email it to anyone that wants it. I can do that Monday. Let me know if anyone wants it.
I am up to 15 minutes almost every day on my exercise bike!
AnonymousApril 21, 2007 at 1:24 am
Yes Chrissy,
I got that the other day and read it. One of the things it says is that if you get dizzy and also about the burning pain in your feet (something like that, not at home so cant check the article) you shouldnt carry on. That has been my problem all along, the cramping burning sensation/pain is so bad that I cant possibly carry on, and sometimes I try so hard to push through but end up in agonizing pain.
AnonymousApril 23, 2007 at 10:13 am
I found this article on line – copy and paste the following into your browser address bar.
Yes, Alison, it does give some guidelines that help me to figure out what to look for. Early on after GBS, I exercised and kept pulling muscles in my neck and all over so it kind of scared me to do very much at all. I have to admit after a few weeks of riding my exercise bike that I am feeling better than I have in quite some time. Amazing! You take care of yourself 🙂
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