My daughter’s recovery!
AnonymousAugust 25, 2007 at 8:13 pm
*I posted this in the ‘Inspirational stories’ thread as well. I am not trying to “promote” my book, I just know there are people on this thread who really need to read this book I wrote to find hope in their situation!
I am so happy to report my daughter just celebrated her 7th birthday! A little over 2 years ago our beautiful Makenna (Kenna as we call her) was paralyzed and so very sick with Guillain Barre. She spent about a month in our children’s hospital and about 2 1/2 months at a rehab hospital inpatient and a year of outpatient therapy.
It has been a long haul and we are not all the way on ‘the other side’ but Kenna is now walking, running, playing, dancing and even just taught herself how to do a cartwheel! I can’t tell you how good that does my heart!
I have written a book about our experience that I thought some of you might find intresting. It is a book of hope and encouragement. Check it out if you are intrested! or and type in Amy Kuncaitis in the search to get my book “Joy in the Morning”. had sold out of it last I checked but they should have more in the next couple days.
Many blessings!
~Amy Kuncaitis
Author of “Joy in the Morning” -
AnonymousAugust 28, 2007 at 10:11 pm
Hi Amy,
It’s nice to meet you and thanks for the information on your book. Whenever I visit patients, especially when they are young children, I will be sure to recommend your book to their parents. Hope to get know you better and glad to hear that your daughter is doing well.
ps-Amy I see your in Zeeland, Mi. from your Amazon page. Get in touch with me jerimyschilz at , I am the liason for SE Michigan and would love to talk to you and invite you to our meeting when we have one.
AnonymousAugust 30, 2007 at 10:04 am
It is good to know there is another book out there to read & recommend to other people. I think we all have thought of writing a book at some point telling about our experiences. Maybe if I had made a great recovery I would have considered it. But with my limitations, I don’t think my book would be inspirational to many people. But I congratulate you for taking the time to write about your daughter; just think of how mnay will be helped by it.
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My daughter’s recovery!
AnonymousAugust 25, 2007 at 7:55 pm
I am so happy to report my daughter just celebrated her 7th birthday! A little over 2 years ago our beautiful Makenna (Kenna as we call her) was paralyzed and so very sick with Guillain Barre. She spent about a month in our children’s hospital and about 2 1/2 months at a rehab hospital inpatient and a year of outpatient therapy.
It has been a long haul and we are not all the way on ‘the other side’ but Kenna is now walking, running, playing, dancing and even just taught herself how to do a cartwheel! I can’t tell you how good that does my heart!
I have written a book about our experience that I thought some of you might find intresting. It is a book of hope and encouragement. Check it out if you are intrested! or and type in Amy Kuncaitis in the search to get my book “Joy in the Morning”. had sold out of it last I checked but they should have more in the next couple days.
Many blessings!
~Amy Kuncaitis
Author of “Joy in the Morning”
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