Me and my Therapyst (long)
well I got so mad at last friday, I went to my therapyst okey, he had been sick and in school and then I had day off and then on thursaday I oversleept and could not get to my therapyst time. On friday I got to him and he told me I could just stop coming becouse I had not come in all week, I was surprised becouse he did not come to the time I had with him earlier in the week. I told him I had been painting the aparment my daughter had rent recently and it was three floor up so I got lot of exercise walking the stairs and painting. and on thursday I was so tierd, ( I overdid it in the painting) I just sleept more and less all day. Then he told me that every one that had GBS was sick in the head, that is we was imagen that we was feel bad, and it had to push us so we would do some exercise. I got so mad and I feelt so angry becouse you are fighting battle all day long to stay on your feet and try to live normal life. then you get this over your had that you are imagen that you feel bad in your feet, arms, you name it when Im tierd I tierd all over and hardly can walk. And this is my therapyst I dont know what to do, my hubby want me to stop going to him. I know I need to go and do this exercise but if I working with man that dont belive that Im not as I was last year, Im not sure I have that strengh to work with him.
AnonymousSeptember 9, 2007 at 4:49 pm
Helga. Here we call a person as he is trash. He isn’t a therpist. All he is is someone that has read books and has a little knowledge and doesn’t have feelings or cares for his patients. and it sounds like he has a problem with women.
Do not waste your time with this thing. he isn,t worth your time to see. If there is an agency that you can report him too then do it. You need someone that understands GBS someone that wants to be a therpist because they care for their patient. Listen to your husband. find someone else.and till you do remember the exersises you did and do them on your own. Do not over do it slow down some.
Your friend Steve -
AnonymousSeptember 9, 2007 at 6:35 pm
Your therapist is the one with the problem! What a pity he has taken this attitude with you. Unfortunately the only I think he will EVER understand GBS or things similar, is if he were to get it himself – I wonder how he could possibly even say things like he did? How on earth does he think he knows how you and other GBS’ers feel?
If he had taken the time to get to know you a little while working with you, he would know what a difficult time you had, and how you have struggled and worked so hard to get where you are today. I know how you hate to be in the situation you are in, and would love to be back to ‘normal’ again -I wonder if he thinks you enjoy feeling like this? He probably thinks that you love spending time with him :rolleyes: and thats why you go to therapy with him …. just because you enjoy wasting time and dont have anything better to do :confused: . He is obviously a very sad sad little man.
AnonymousSeptember 9, 2007 at 10:35 pm
Helga, DUMP THE BUM!!! He works for you, you don’t need any THING like that, Kick Him in The Privates and tell Him it doesn’t Hurt, its All in His Head!!!:mad: Better yet-send him to Ohio so I can do it for you!!
You can do the same exercises at home, Listen to your Husband-He is always there for you. Stress from that mentally challenged piece of whatever you call it, does more damage on your body-you can’t afford to have that kind of stress in your life. Big Hugs Hun!! -
I talk to the therapist too day and he felt very shamed over how I took this and told me that I should not notice all he was saying and apology too me. Well I was not very satisfied with it and he was very sad over this. Maybe we know each other too well, he has been my therapist for 4 years. But that don’t change that I will print out lot of articles for him about GBS and let him have next time I will go to training. And let him read about GBS and let him understand if he cant read that then I have no time to waist in useless therapy.
AnonymousSeptember 10, 2007 at 10:36 pm
Helga, I not only think you should fire him you should also let your Nero no what was said I would hate for anyone else to have to put up with such stupidity. I think he is just plain mean spirited, It does not matter how long you have been going to him you need some one that will treat you with respect.
AnonymousSeptember 11, 2007 at 6:38 am
[QUOTE=tofraljos]I talk to the therapist too day and he felt very shamed over how I took this and told me that I should not notice all he was saying and apology too me. Well I was not very satisfied with it and he was very sad over this. Maybe we know each other too well, he has been my therapist for 4 years. But that don’t change that I will print out lot of articles for him about GBS and let him have next time I will go to training. And let him read about GBS and let him understand if he cant read that then I have no time to waist in useless therapy.[/QUOTE]
I think it took a lot of courage to talk to your therapist about his attitude and it is taking even more courage to try to educate him better about you and other GBS patients. You are inspiring!
Julie -
AnonymousSeptember 11, 2007 at 1:22 pm
Helga I am sorry you had to deal with this person that has not been very professional. It is not your job to educated these people they should be seeking information constantly and updating their information. The fact that he might of been having a bad day and now realized it is no excuse. He is very unprofessional.
You do not deserve the stress this is putting on you and if he was not a professional person, but was even half an ounce of a compationate person, he would not do this to a friend or family member. It should never have been done to a client!
Maybe again after dealing with the slow results of GBS healing he has burned out… that case. GET OUT of the profession! Think how frustrating it is for us.
I agree with Cheryl. Drop his butt off in Philadelphia and I will kick it all the way across Pennsylvania to the Ohio border where Cheryl can continue his higher education. I don’t have pain but I suffer from frustration, fatigue so that will help me get some attitude with him!
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