Just an update for those who helped me
AnonymousMarch 13, 2010 at 8:34 am
I am seven weeks out of the hospital after IVIG, when I first found this forum I was scared, confused, looking for advise on the all of life’s simple issues that we with GBS experience. The kindness, experience and openiness of people on the forum helped me a great deal. My baby steps continue. This past week I returned to work for two hours per day. 5:30 am to 7:30am. I am walking with my cane, driving and doing little chores around the house, I have resumed my winemaking, enjoy a daily glass.and of course resting. For those of you on this journey with me I say hang in there. I have been blessed with support from family, work, friends and this forum. Thank you all. I still have issues with GBS and maybe always will.
My glass is not half full nor half empty; I am just happy to have a glass. -
Hi Harry!
Great news, glad to hear things are going along smoothly. Enjoy that glass of wine! -
AnonymousMarch 13, 2010 at 8:29 pm
Harry, great news… you seem to making a remarkable recovery. Congrats…and take it one day at a time. I have been able to enjoy a glass of wine here and there, a small one. Still can’t drink coffee though…maybe someday. Life’s little pleasures make it all worth it.
AnonymousMarch 13, 2010 at 9:00 pm
That’s great news, Harry! Just keep on keeping on, while the healing takes place. Life can still be a great journey for us; it’s just that GBS is along for the ride (like an annoying back-seat driver). So focus on the road (your goals) and enjoy the view, your big coffee-mug and the music (life’s blessings). Toss a blanket and some diversions in the backseat when GBS is
wakeful, and enjoy the lulls when GBS sleeps.
(hey…a couple of quarters in my ash-tray!!) -
AnonymousMarch 15, 2010 at 11:00 pm
only 7 weeks out of the hospital-you’re doing really great. I hope your recovery keeps on as smoothly for a long time to come. Remember that there are highs and lows on the path and some days it doesn’t seem like you’re making any progress at all-then a month later and you can see where you’ve come from. From my experience progress can be quicker at the beginning and then it tends to slow down a bit, so don’t be worried if progress seems to slow at a certain point. Doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Jeff
Thanks for sharing your progress with us. It sounds like you’re on your way.
Don’t forget to treat those rest periods like gold. -
AnonymousMarch 16, 2010 at 9:39 pm
Harry –
I have enjoyed reading about your baby steps with your cane, and the wine making. I can’t even imagine driving yet – saw the dr today and we agreed it is still sometime out. Working? Even 2 hours a day is so fantastic! My students keep emailing me asking me to come in for a visit (h s biology) and not driving makes that difficult – the wheelchair is a problem, too.You are an inspiration to all of us on this journey. I am sure some of those Senior members can look back to the time they were where we are today. I look forward to the time when we, too, can offer sage advice.
Keep those baby steps going – I am working hard to stay in your footprints!
AnonymousMarch 18, 2010 at 1:05 am
That is great Harry. From reading your posts, your experience seems a lot like mine. I was discharged 1/11/10. Have returned to work a couple of days a week and am also driving short distances. My wife and I will be attending a convention next week in Southern CA. We live in the Bay area and so I’m a little nervous about being gone for a week and also going so far away. It will be an adventure. I also enjoy a good glass of Cab once in awhile but single malt is my fav. Although I have not indulged like I use to, my next one will be a toast to you. Keep the faith and keep getting better. 🙂
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