just a bad day

    • Anonymous
      July 28, 2006 at 11:49 pm

      Hi All: This was just a rotten day. I am 15months out and have not had a day without pain since it all started, but today for some reason the pain was extreme. I am trying to get exercise but the pain in my legs is so bad when I do that it is an effort of will to go for ten minutes or so. I am on neurontin and valium for the pain but it only works part of the time. I am a therapist and everyone said how lucky I was that I didn’t do work that required me to be on my feet, not realizing that after 15 minutes of sitting up the pain becomes intense. I can only work half of what I used to because of it. I don’t like to complain to my wife because it upsets her so much so tonight I thought I would just vent a little to you all, knowing you could relate. I have found a great deal of meaning in this disease and feel that it has been positive in some ways in the changes it has brought to me, but I just would like one day without pain. Jeff

    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2006 at 12:18 am

      Hi Jeff,

      I know what you mean. Treat yourself to a pain vacation. I rewarded myself that in the formative years, looking for a balance. Tell your doc you want something that will kill the pain, or directly get to the point. In my case, vicodin. If days off can be worked to just do this, it might give you other alternatives to look at. You can’t get crazy, but 5mg X 6 per day, may give you relief, plus or minus. The initial head effects should deminish rather quickly over a few days, and feel what happens. Maybe you have. Under real good control, this method can be functional with very little side effects. Trade the valium in for something else if you do. Stay with neurontin, and use the other for a boost and complete relief day. I know for one, after it knocks you out and you sleep like a log, it gives you more energy to start out with. Less to none, on body movement during a sleep. You deserve a reward, and pain deserves a day off or two. Keep working hard and I hope you find some relief.

    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2006 at 1:44 am

      Yep, racer 13 is right…………….vicodin is the answer for your pain.


    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2006 at 10:40 am


      I think I would have gone mental by now if I were in your shoes. I definitely think you should do what Racer said, that is if you havent tried it already. Racer has been through a lot, its unfortunate learning from others pain, but I think everyone can benefit from what he has been through. Its easy for us to tell you what to do when we’re not in your situation, I just hope that you get some kind of relief soon!

      Thank goodness for this forum, I dont know where I would be if I couldnt vent on here when I have needed to.

    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2006 at 1:42 pm

      Hi Jeff,
      This forum is great just to vent and ask advice (and of course for lots of other things). But it allows us to say what we want without worrying about our loved ones. You know you can always talk to us. Pain will definitely cause other problems so your doctor needs to explore to find something that will work for you. Don’t give up. Take care and good luck


    • Anonymous
      July 29, 2006 at 11:30 pm

      Feldenkrais tapes are available and essentially afforded me the opportunity to learn how I could move, and where and when I evoked pain. It’s a gradual process of learning how to move again, in a new body, or at least a different one, using basic mechanics of movement to work with the momentum and not against it. Example: Using the head as a weight, and curling the body into a roll, so that we aren’t weighting against the direction of movement we are attempting.

    • Anonymous
      July 31, 2006 at 7:55 am

      Thanks everyone for advice and support. I will talk to my neurologist about vicadin. Had a better couple of days after that low point. Jeff

    • Anonymous
      July 31, 2006 at 9:21 am

      First off, I do not take pain meds because of problems with regressive apnea. And I’m weaning off Cymbalta now, but I applaud anyone who can take a day off from pain and I’m rethinking how I could possibly do this. Massage, reiki and acupuncture have worked for me…maybe I’ll do a day where I get all 3 repetitively….Yumm:)

    • Anonymous
      July 31, 2006 at 1:11 pm

      A bad day vs a not-so-good day vs a not-so-bad day etc. Sounds alot like “normal” to me! I’m glad that you knew that you could vent to your “family”. Just knowing that someone who “understands and cares” is listening helps to lighten the load. I hope that today is a better day for you:)

    • Anonymous
      August 1, 2006 at 2:23 pm

      Hi All: Thanks for all the support. It is nice to have an extended family-new experience for me. My neurologist is concerned about pain meds because I have sleep apnea as well so he up’ed the neurotin to 2700mg a day and we’ll see how I do with fatigue from it and loss of coordination. If no side effects and it helps the pain we’ll stick with this, otherwise probably go to vicadin. He told me its rare to have chronic pain from GBS but believes that I do. I wonder how rare it is. Best to all of you, Jeff

    • Anonymous
      August 2, 2006 at 8:59 pm


      I hope the increase in Neurontin works for you. I read that if you take an extra one at bedtime, it should give your body time to adjust to the extra dosage without interfering with your schedule too much.

      I really feel for your poor wife. I know how much it hurts us to see our hubbys in so much pain.

      Take care and please give your wife a big hug for me.


    • Anonymous
      August 3, 2006 at 8:08 am

      Thank you Shannon. So far I don’t feel any increase in fatigue and my schedule is built around my needing to rest so it should work out. I gave my wife a hug-in many ways this has been harder on her, especially when I was paralyzed but even now as the residuals hang on. She has been a wonderful caregiver and has understood and supported all I have been through-what a difference that makes! Thanks again, Jeff

    • Anonymous
      August 3, 2006 at 3:40 pm

      Hi Jeff….It seems to me, that more than a few Dr.’s don’t see the chronic pain and fatigue as normal. Believe me, it is. Afterall, they (Dr.s) don’t know much about this syndrome and the only way for them to learn more, is for all of us to be vocal !! So stick to your “guns” and insist on help when it’s needed !!! I hope you find a comfort level that will make each day easier for you and your family. Feel free to vent all you need to on here…I wish I had known about this site when I was first diagnosed 🙂 Take Care and Stay Positive