IVIG and Medicare

    • Anonymous
      June 2, 2012 at 1:24 pm

      I was diagnosed with CIDP in 2009, and have had regular treatments of IVIG for most of the time since then.  So far, the cost of my treatment has been largely covered by insurance through my employer.  However, later this year I turn 65, and will go on Medicare.

      I will, of course, get a Medigap policy.  But, comparing policies is very difficult.  It is hard to get information about what they do and do not cover.  So, I was wondering if anyone out there could share information about Medicare and Medigap policies: types of coverage, good and bad experiences, difficulties dealing with the providers, and so on.  Any information you could provide would be helpful.


    • GH
      June 2, 2012 at 6:18 pm

      I had a good experience with my insurance co., Blue Shield of California. It was an HMO-type policy provided by my employer — I didn’t pick it for any particular reason. I went into the hospital diagnosed with GBS (it was actually CIDP) where I stayed 18 weeks and received nearly every kind of procedure and treatment available for this disease, including IvIg. There were no problems I am aware of wherein the insurance co. balked at a procedure my doctors thought medically necessary.

      By the time I went home I was retired, and I continued my policy under Cal-COBRA, even though the costs of carrying it were huge. With this insurance, my costs were manageable; without it, the hospitalization would have been disasterous. I carried it for a year and a half until I reached Medicare age this month. Then I switched to a BSoC supplemental plan without even considering others, because my BSoC experience had been so good. I signed up for every option and the cost is about one-quarter of my pre-Medicare cost.

      I don’t have any experience with IvIg under Medicare, however, because I have not received it after the two rounds I was given early in the progression of the disease.now, the only treatment I receive is medication, and there are no difficulties with that.

    • Anonymous
      June 22, 2012 at 2:59 am

      I have cidp and I am starting IVIg in a few weeks, but I am going into the unknown world and would love to know what I can expect to feel after the treatment. I am self employees and have appt. through out the day. If I have a four hour IVIg treatment what will i feel like when it’s over, will I be able to work directly after. We are set to have 5 in a row for the first week!

    • Anonymous
      September 17, 2012 at 2:15 am

      I am on Medicare (due to visual disability) and have had no problems with them covering IVIG every 4 weeks. I’ve read elsewhere that medicare allows for IVIG as frequently as every 2 weeks, but cannot confirm this.

    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2012 at 3:48 pm

      Is CIDP a medicare approved diagnosis for IVIG treatment?

    • Anonymous
      November 8, 2012 at 3:08 am

      New to this forum and this  disease.  I’m interested in finding information on whether Medicare will approve 3 in-home IGIV treatments for a CIDP patient in Indiana.  Thanks.


    • Anonymous
      January 28, 2013 at 12:16 pm

      @Henstock: I’m currently on Medicare and am on Kaiser’s gap/supplemental coverage (it’s called Senior Advantage). I have not had any problems with either covering my IVIg. I was going every 4 weeks and am currently going every 7 weeks. However, Kaiser requires the IVIg infusions to be done at their infusion center at the hospital, it will not allow it to be done in your home.

      @Caveman: Everyone’s different but after my infusions I’m exhausted and prefer to go home and lie down. Many a times, i will be achy after the 2nd day or have an IVIg migraine. I wouldn’t recommend scheduling work appointments on the days you have IVIg.

    • Anonymous
      January 30, 2013 at 2:05 pm

      i have home ivig and they handle medicare and my supplement…i have had gbs/cidp 12 months and they just ok 5 more months….time will tell….but contact whomever will provide it….good luck