if you could be
AnonymousOctober 3, 2006 at 11:36 am
An illegal alien. Just think, don’t have to work, don’t have to pay medical bills, get lots of benefits. All the rights of a citizen with none of the liabilities. What could be better?
Seriously, probably Benjamin Franklin. Even as a young man he led a very interesting life. He wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac, was an inventor far ahead of his time, and was obviously a key founding father of our nation. Da Vinci, Cicero, and Edison rolled into one. Incidentally, he was also the 15th of 17th children (what would Planned Parenthood have said about that if they had been around in the early 1700’s?).
There are others, but I don’t have time right now.
AnonymousOctober 3, 2006 at 1:08 pm
[SIZE=”2″][COLOR=”Purple”]I would like to be the person that bought the winning Powerball ticket 1 mile from my home on Sept.27th and won 15 million dollars. I would make sure that everyone on this site would have one less thing to worry about(!) then go back to being “just me”…[ATTACH]637[/ATTACH][/COLOR][/SIZE]
AnonymousOctober 3, 2006 at 11:22 pm
[COLOR=red]Wow, 😮 I thought Ben Franklin too! Him being first fire chief and all. I like this one too [QUOTE]rchudginsAn illegal alien. Just think, don’t have to work, don’t have to pay medical bills, get lots of benefits. All the rights of a citizen with none of the liabilities. What could be better?[/QUOTE][/COLOR]
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