I was so blessed.
AnonymousFebruary 21, 2007 at 4:15 pm
I found out in Jan that I have GBS. I was blessed in so many ways and mine was caught while it was still in my feet. My neuroligist put me in the hospital and would not allow me to go home. That night I was started on IVIG and for 5 nights starting at 10 PM to 3 AM my IVIG ran.
I have been home for 6 weeks and in that time with therpy I have used my walker. now on a cane and can walk some. I know without a doubt I have been blessed with my recovery and with the Drs that treated me.
I have ready about others and how bad GBS attacked them. and my prayers go out to everyone who has or has had GBS. I learned alot when I was in the hospital and one thing I kept hearing. Make up your mind you are going to get better and stick to it.The other day at therpy I was feeling sorry for me. As I was walking around the room with my therpist and my cane I looked at a man that had 2 therpists helping him to just stand with a walker. I instanley saw how blessed I was and definatley see life very different now. I cherrish every step I take and know what someone in a wheel chair feels.I have been there.One side effect I got was a rash over 80% of my body. My Dr felt it was a reaction from a med I was on and once it was removed it improved. Then it returned and I read that with the massive doses of IVIG that it could be the bacteria on my skin was killed. I started on yougart and the rash is now in regression..
One thing that came up several times. THE FLU SHOT. This is where they feel I caught GBS and there is no warning on Flu shots about GBS. I read the other day that now Canada will have a warning about GBS on their warning info with flu shots.
A Neuroligist from India came to see me while I was in the hospital. She had me go over step by step leading up to when I entered the hospital. I mention I had a flu shot the end of Nov. She was silent for a moment then said (NEVER NEVER ) get another flu shot. Ths was only the 3rd flu shot I have ever had and definatley the LAST. May gods blessings and stregth be with everyone suffering with GBS and other diseases -
AnonymousFebruary 21, 2007 at 5:22 pm
Greetings Mochacat,
It was wonderful reading your post – you’ve caught onto a great attitude! You’ve still got a rocky road (maybe) in front of you – just don’t be surprised and caught off guard if you find yourself getting fatigued easily. It seems to take a while for us GBSers to realize we have to rest and rest, more than we ever have in our lives.
Would love to hear more about you!
AnonymousFebruary 21, 2007 at 7:06 pm
Hi-i’m glad that you got diagnosed and treated so quickly,you are well on your way now. There is actually a warning on the product monograph regarding GBS and the flu shot…but who ever gets to read the monograph when you go for your shot? Anyway, there may even be references to that on this website, I know there used to be lots of flu-shot discussion on the old site.
Interestingly enough the ambulance attendant even asked me if I had a shot. I did, but i do not believe that caused the problem–it was a good month and a half or so after the shot that I got a severe sinus infection and flu with fevers and the whole schmeer. Long story short—I don’t take the shot anymore because there is a statistically significant higher risk of developing GBS again if you take it. Statistically significant–all that means is that it was measurable within the limits of error. The effect is probably very minute but I am not taking any chances either.
best of luck, wish you good recovery
PS-I believe that there are many who still get the shot even after GBS. -
AnonymousFebruary 26, 2007 at 12:23 pm
When I had GBS the first time – 20 years ago – I was moving to Florida and asked my doctor about getting a tetanus shot. Even though my GBS was kinda mild the first time, he said that I should not get one as preventative. He added that IF I ever needed one, I should get a different kind – not the ordinary one. I cannot remember the difference. I think one had to do with horses. Either way – I looked into it and the one I needed was more expensive. I chose not to get one. Perhaps someone on this site might know – just in case we ever need one. We certainly have to stay ahead of our doctors. I have not gotten flu shots or had any of the illnesses that they think might trigger it. The stress made my adrenals shot. How do you know when this happens? My tan looked like a piece of dark wooden furniture. I was TOO brown. This second time with GBS I noticed that my skin was brown and I had not been to the beach. They say this is a sign of adrenal exhaustion. I think this might be tied in with GBS.
AnonymousFebruary 26, 2007 at 1:05 pm
Today I started therpy with out my cane or walker. I have been useing my cane at home for the past 2 weeks. I have learned how to go up and down stairs with the cane.
My attitude is what God wants for me each day I will do. I have to let this go for my own sanity. My days are good and now feeling a change happeing in my right foot. Every day is better than the one before. I go to therpy 3 times a week and my therpist controls how fast I recover. I feel we all need controled therpy. doing it on your own can be very dangerous and cause a relaps. It takes time and patience to recover and you cannot force this recovery. remember 1 day at a time. Today in therpy we started walking with out a cane or walker and now I do this at home from time to time. remember keep your faith and do not let yourself get down. the end can be reached and the day will come we will recover—–Lakoda -
AnonymousMarch 4, 2007 at 9:28 am
Good morning from cool Florida.
My past week has been good. I have started walking more with out a cane. I still dread getting out of bed as know the back pain is waiting. But once the pain meds kick in I feel good. I am still thinking postive and resting more as you,ll have advised. My therpist says that less exersise in small portions is better than wanting to do it several times a day. I still turn each day over to God and still accept that I have GBS and in time will be better. I look each day for improvement and I can find something.
I think it would be good and supporting for all of us if we did a weekley update on our progress. Say make Sunday our up date day. May Gods blessing and healing powers be with all of us..——–Lakoda -
AnonymousJuly 12, 2007 at 1:29 pm
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO
November 20, 2006
NewsWithViews.comJust as busy shoppers start scrambling to put together their Christmas lists, the government will be urging them to add one more thing to their packed “to do” list: Get a flu shot.
CDC officials are planning a massive media blitz during the week of November 27 to December 3, 2006 to promote “National Influenza Vaccination Week.” The flu shot campaign, which usually begins in August, has once again been derailed by delivery delays. Shots are normally given in September ostensibly to allow time for people to develop the antibody that is to protect them throughout the flu season. But the CDC has apparently rationalized that any time to get the shot is better than not getting it at all.
The director of the Centers for Disease Control, Dr. Julie Gerberding has gone on record saying, “We are concerned that we’re going to have more doses of flu (vaccine) than we might use.”[1] With all the hype that occurred earlier this year over the potential of a bird flu pandemic, manufacturers anticipated an unprecedented demand for the shot. In preparation, a record 110 million doses were produced for the 2006-07 season. Fearing that millions of those vials will be tossed in the trash-literally money down the drain-the CDC is pulling rank and pushing for a massive vaccination campaign to inject us will begin right after Thanksgiving.
The previous record, 95 million doses, was manufactured for the 2002-03 season. When 12 million flu shots went unused, one manufacturer quit making them. To prevent manufacturers from backing out of the flu shot business-the government will need them if a human form of bird flu arrives in the US-the CDC and other medical establishments, such as the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, will push hard to get everyone to roll up their sleeves and get in line. The organizations that claim to put public health first are showing their hands: Their role is to protect the profits of the pharmaceutical companies at the expense of the health of general public.
Guillian Barre: A real risk
A report was released on October 9, 2006 by the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) called, “Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) After Vaccination in United States.” Of the 54 cases of documented GBS that occurred in 2004, 57% (31) of the patients had developed the condition after receiving an influenza vaccine.
GBS is an inflammatory disorder of the peripheral nerves (those outside the brain and spinal cord) characterized by an acute onset of weakness and paralysis. Called “ascending paralysis,” it starts in the legs and moves up the body eventually attacking the muscles that aid in breathing. The result is often respiratory failure. Treatment frequently involves long term hospitalization in the intensive care unit, with most patients needing the assistance of a respirator. Residual neurological deficits can remain in up to 40% of people, and mortality ranges from 5%-10%.[2]
While officials downplay the actual risk, stating that the risk is negligible compared to the number of shots administered, if you happen to be the unfortunate one to contract this illness, the results can be horrific. An excerpt from a story reported on November 18, 2002 in The Public Health Reporter, published in Canada,[3] brings the vivid details to light:
“A 47-year old executive, Brain Claman, thought he was too busy to bother with the flu, so when his company offered the shots on site, he was one of the first in line. Two weeks later, he woke up with a severe headache and leg weakness, and by that same afternoon, he was placed in the intensive care unit and on a respirator, completely paralyzed. After eight months in the hospital, he had to relearn to walk. The report said that, in his own words, “Never in my wildest dreams — or maybe I should say nightmares — could I have imagined almost losing my life to the flu shot.”
Like the expression “all politics is local,” the reality of a vaccine reaction is personal. Vaccine research is designed to look for injury trends in large populations. One has to wonder if the epidemiological studies are specifically designed to dismiss the significance of an injury when it occurs in an individual. The VAERS database reportedly logs more than 12,000 injuries from vaccines per year. This does not prove causality; in fact, causality is difficult to prove. In my opinion, that is because the medical literature and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Table are stacked against identifying causality.Injuries such as GBS are dramatic, and fortunately, they are uncommon overall. But knowing what comes through the needle of a flu shot should make each person pause. What is the bigger risk, the possibly getting the flu or the flu shot itself.
Flu Shot Production: What’s In That Needle?
(The following information is excerpted from Chapter 9 of FOWL! Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think entitled “What’s Coming Through That Needle.”)After the influenza viruses are separated from the eggs they are grown in, they are inactivated (killed) with formaldehyde, a known carcinogen. The surface antigens, (H) and (N) are then “split” by a detergent called Triton® X-100. The process spreads the surface antigens apart, increasing the probability of developing an antibody response. Traces of Triton X-100, made by Dow Chemical, can remain in the vaccine solution. Product information on this compound states the following: “Excellent detergent, dispersant and emulsifier for oil-in-water systems. Uses: Household & industrial cleaners, paints & coatings, pulp & paper, textile, agrochemical, metal working fluids, oilfield chemicals.[4]
The suspension of viruses and chemicals is further concentrated in a centrifuge using a sucrose (table sugar) solution and then suspended in sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic salt solution. In one of the final steps, a 0.05 percent concentration of gelatin is added as a stabilizer, and in many cases, thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative, is still added to the multidose vials of the flu vaccine.[5] Some types of influenza vaccines also include 500 micrograms of gentamicin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, added during the production process to inhibit the growth of bacteria that may be in the suspension.
Two other chemicals, tri-butylphosphate and polysorbate 80, then become part of the “chemical soup” of the vaccine. Tri-butylphosphate, a detergent and polysorbate 80, also known as Tween80™, is an emulsifier. Both are used to disrupt the surface of the virus, making the (H) and (N) antigens more accessible to the immune system. Polysorbate 80 is also found in ice creams and other “fake foods.” Resin is added to ostensibly eliminate “substantial portions” of these chemicals, but undoubtedly, residuals of these chemicals remain in the vaccine when injected.
By the time the flu shot is ready for packaging, the solution contains the following: various egg proteins, viral contaminants from the eggs, Triton-X100, formaldehyde, resin, gelatin, tri-butylphosphate, polysorbate 80, and in some instances gentamicin. To preserve this chemical brew, in doses of up to 25 micrograms thimerosal (a mercury derivative) is still added to some of the shots. After detailing this vivid description of the manufacture of the influenza vaccine, the thought of injecting this into your body-or the body of your baby-should be repugnant.
For those not repulsed by the idea of injecting the previously described solution into your body, perhaps knowing that the vaccine won’t prevent you from getting the flu will add to your perspective.
The fact that the flu shots are ineffective in every age group hardly seems to matter to CDC and others who continually promote their use. Multiple studies published in highly reputable publications have documented that flu shots are ineffective in all ages. For example, The Cochrane Collaboration produced a series of articles in 2005-and again an additional article published in the British Medical Journal, October 28, 2006[6] -that reviewed the published literature to evaluate the effectiveness of the flu shot. Nothing substantiating its usefulness was found.
1. CDC Urges More People to Get Flu Shots. By Mike Stobbe. November 11, 2006. Associated Press
2. Fanion, David. Guillain-Barré Syndrome
3. “Flu shot left executive paralyzed,” by Andre Picard. Public Health Reporter. Monday, November 18, 2002, Page A1.
4. “Octyphenol Ethoxylate,” The Dow Chemical Company. ([url]http://www.dow.com[/url].)
5. “Influenza Virus Vaccine Fluzone 2005-2006 Formula,” package insert. Aventis Pasteur (company name has since changed to Sanofi Pasteur MSD. Update 14 February 2006).
6, Jefferson, Thomas. Influenza vaccination: policy versus evidence. BMJ 2006;333:912-915 (28 October)© 2006 Sherri Tenpenny – All Rights Reserved
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is respected as one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health. Through her education company, New Medical Awareness, LLC, she spreads her vision of retaining freedom of choice in healthcare, including the freedom to refuse vaccination. A portion of this article is an excerpt from her new book, FOWL! Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think, released in April, 2006.
Dr. Tenpenny is a regular columnist for [url]www.NewsWithViews.com[/url]. Her 3-hour vaccine DVD, Vaccines: The Risk, The Benefits and The Choices and her new book FOWL! are available through this site; other tapes and materials are available [url]www.DrTenpenny.com[/url]
Website: [url]www.DrTenpenny.com[/url]
Website: [url]www.BirdFluHype.com[/url]E-Mail: [email]nmaseminars@aol.com[/email]
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