I just want to say

    • Anonymous
      February 3, 2010 at 2:39 pm

      Most people here have been super supportive of me over the years & I really appreciate that. This is a wonderful group of people.

      I just wanted to give our group a collective cyber hug & let you all know how much I appreciate you.

      If it wasn’t for you all, especially in the beginning, I think I would have lost my mind. It’s good to know there are others out there who really understand & will support you in your time of need.

      I never want to take advantage of that.


    • Anonymous
      February 3, 2010 at 3:39 pm

      Thank you so much Kelly for pointing out how important it is to support one another through an illness that is terrible on ALL of us. At our best, this forum is a haven of support and encouragement and information to help with perspective. A huge cyberhug to you and Emily as well.
      WithHope for a cure of these diseases

    • Anonymous
      February 3, 2010 at 4:02 pm

      That’s what we are all about – helping each other. Thanks for reminding us. I appreciate all the advice and help that gotten here on the site. If you are not into hugs, how about a cyber “high five”.

    • February 4, 2010 at 2:18 pm

      Kelly, that’s a big DITTO from me. Well said and I think that’s how we all feel.

      Cyber hugs and high 5’s from Gary O too.

    • Anonymous
      February 4, 2010 at 3:19 pm

      “Cyber hugs” & “high fives”


    • Anonymous
      February 5, 2010 at 12:20 pm

      Hi Kelly,

      I’m with you!!

      This site has helped me a great deal. Prior to “stumbling” across this site quite by accident, I had very little and at times no support. Unfortunately, my friends and family didn’t understand my very real issues. It was implied and sometimes stated that I needed to “get over it”. The opportunity to interact with a group of others with the same illness or caregivers of those with these awful maladies (yep, showing my age) 😉 I was alone.

      I’m grateful and thankful for the support and understanding I’ve received from the other members. Even when I vent as the residuals and possibly age related issues are overwhelming, I can come here for suggestions, advice, etc. I hope to always be here for those who need help, prayers, and support.

      My post is not intended to reflect upon any of the recent comments because at the end of the day, what’s important is how we feel on the inside, outside and mentally. I strive to feel strong, happy and blessed each and every day. By the grace of God (along with the occasional help from synthetic drugs) :D, I’m definitely holding my own.

      Have a wonderful day!!


    • Anonymous
      February 16, 2010 at 11:05 am

      Hello Kelly
      I want to say how much I respect I have for all you caregivers. I have found myself in the unlikely position of being a caregiver to an elderly in-law with altzhimers and I have learned how difficult it is – except I see an end to my labors in the foreseeable future as a nursing home will become necessary – while you continue on and on.
      So – My hat’s off to you and all your fellow caregivers.

    • Anonymous
      February 16, 2010 at 12:00 pm

      I agree with all the posts, without this site I would be a basket case!

      I also would not have known to ask doctors for different IVIG schedule

      I was getting every three months and THOUGHT I was doing OK after suggestions from here I as able to go back to docs and ask to be switched to every month. I am not in nearly as much pain and discomfort!


      Remember every day is a new day, make the most of it and most of all try and do 1 little thing to make your day better.

      Thanks for all the love and support
      Rhonda from Canada