I have strep throat

    • Anonymous
      December 22, 2008 at 10:28 pm

      I went to the local urgent care b/c I’ve been feeling yucky, feverish…VERY sore neck glands…started yest afternoon. Fever going up…102 at the dr tonite.
      They swabbed me and I have strep. Hubby had it a few weeks ago.
      I cannot beleive this. As I type, I feel so crummy that all I can do is cry.
      I prayed all the way home. I got a shot of antibiotics.

      I never ask for me…but this time I have to. Please pray that God will give me the strength to do what I need to do in the next few days and that I get better faster than a speeding bullet.
      I know hubby will help me…but, I need to do this. I have to be well.
      We are so tired of it all…I know I am. I’m losing my will to even care!
      And you all know, I’m not like that.



    • Anonymous
      December 23, 2008 at 2:50 am


      Maybe these things are happening right now for a reason…. From what I gather your immune systems been under attack, and sounds like you have been stressed out to the max..
      My kids had strep last year, and they didn’t bother to wait for the culture on me, they treated me straight off with antibiotics.. I was kinda scared what my immune system would do, but I got thru it.
      It sucks to be sick around holidays.. But have you ever noticed that there is always at least one sibling, child, relative, friend, that has some sort of illness at holidays.. Why? Cause we are in close contact with a ton of germs right now… So don’t feel alone, and I know you will come out fine within a few days…
      Perhaps, in the bible, you will find your answers… Particularily, why Jesus died on the cross for us….. Life is short, and we only have one chance…. I’m starting to be an old baby boomer, and am starting to realize how true it is….
      I think your troops are gonna rally round you now.. Let them…. Take it easy and enjoy what you can… Take this time, to remember your loved ones, and enjoy what you have, while they are still there…
      Merry Christmas, from Dean at the North Pole, or a close substitute….:)

    • Anonymous
      December 23, 2008 at 3:11 am

      Hang in there, me and hubby just got over that strep throat and I was right where you are – cussing, stomping around bemoaning my stupid body etc. etc. I bounced back pretty quickly and I’m sure you will too. Just quit doing everything and sleep as much as you possibly can today. Sacrifice one day so you can have the rest of them. I slept 20 hours one day and felt back to normal the next, whereas hubby, who does not have a chronic illness and went running around like a nut, got sicker and sicker and had to go the antibiotics route. We all know what happens when you let your body get run down and after 15 years of this routine we’ve pretty much started to plan on at least one of us getting sick in the holiday season. Let your husband fix you soup, let the kids know to stay away from sick-girl and just enjoy a day of peace and quiet before the chaos of Christmas starts. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise, you were probably trying to do too much anyway and irritating your knee. ๐Ÿ˜‰ There are probably things you can do from bed, wrap presents, write cards, compose your New Year’s Resolutions… nah – that’s too much like work.

      Find the good in it Stacey, trust me – I’m not always cheerful and full of silly stories – I get depressed and I have to make the effort not to be, which at times is harder than dealing with my body. You can always find the good in people and tough times though it may seem rediculously small at the time just hang on to that one good thing and make it mean something to you. Like, because we got strep throat we were out of it for three days, hubby off work with fever, bad attitude etc. (he’s not at his best when he is sick) SO… having a thousand things to do, places to go, people to see and generally grumpy attitudes we decided to turn things around and catch up on watching Heroes – we were a couple of weeks behind so we made a big party of it with popcorn, hot chocolate etc. We made it more than it would have been if we hadn’t been sick and depressed, we made it a party and by fifteen minutes into the show we were both feeling less depressed and better overall. And now that we’re all caught up we have to wait until the end of January to see a new episode. :rolleyes:

      One of my favorite expressions – and I can’t remember where I heard it but it was back when I was a teenager… Life isn’t fair – if it were fair that would mean you deserved what was happening to you. So take some comfort in the fact that life isn’t fair, I’d really hate to know what I’d done to deserve this not-really-all-that-much-fun disease. ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Anonymous
      December 23, 2008 at 9:42 am

      I heard strep is going around like crazy right now.

      I know you are stressed. I get super stressed out this time of year myself BUT you need to remember that it WILL get better. It’s the tough times that make us appreciate the easier times so much more.

      Hang in there & feel better soon.

    • Anonymous
      December 23, 2008 at 12:47 pm

      [QUOTE=ConnorZmom]I went to the local urgent care b/c I’ve been feeling yucky, feverish…VERY sore neck glands…started yest afternoon. Fever going up…102 at the dr tonite.
      They swabbed me and I have strep. Hubby had it a few weeks ago.
      I cannot beleive this. As I type, I feel so crummy that all I can do is cry.
      I prayed all the way home. I got a shot of antibiotics.

      I never ask for me…but this time I have to. Please pray that God will give me the strength to do what I need to do in the next few days and that I get better faster than a speeding bullet.
      I know hubby will help me…but, I need to do this. I have to be well.
      We are so tired of it all…I know I am. I’m losing my will to even care!
      And you all know, I’m not like that.


      Hi Stacey,
      Now is the time to evaluate what is important during this Christmas season. I would say the most important thing is that you take care of yourself. And that you aren’t feeling miserable due to all the expectations that society puts on people during the holidays. Even if the presents aren’t wrapped, that’s okay. You can have them set aside and stuffed into pillow cases or bags and just sit down with the family and pass them out one by one–make a little fun thing out of it. The kids will understand and they would rather have you rested and happy versus everything being picture perfect. You can have hubby cook the mashed potatoes today and put them in casserole to heat with the turkey, same with pre-cooking any veggie dishes–just have him fix one at a time a put them in the fridge to re-heat on Christmas Day. Things don’t need to be perfect. Time to delegate and rest, rest, rest. I know you are sick of being sick, but things will get better only if you slow things down. Bundle up in your bed or on the sofa, and delegate little things that need to be done. I feel so badly for you Stacey, but like I say things don’t need to be perfect. It is more important that you and the family are together versus having a picture perfect Christmas.

    • Anonymous
      December 24, 2008 at 12:41 am

      Don’t let this bring you down! I agree with what someone else said, look for the blessings in this, maybe you can just relax and have a peaceful holiday focusing on the things that are important! Like others said pare your list down to the bare necessities and delegate so that you can get some sleep!

      Okay that all said, I know you are probably beating yourself up because that is what I would do. I know you are mad at the stupid cidp because it makes everything more difficult! I know all these things. But remember, curling up with your boy after you are feeling better and reading a couple Christmas books will be more important to both of you in the end.

      I wish I lived closer so I could come help! I’m sending happy thoughts your way….BUT GO TO BED AND REST!!!!


    • Anonymous
      December 24, 2008 at 3:25 pm

      today I am up and around…slow.
      I was in bed all day yesterday with 104.3 fever. I cannot ever remember being so sick. That fever kicked my butt.

      I am better today ….enough to do what I need to do….go to my sisters.
      Friday I can shop for the food…I cook Saturday.

      My niece finished my shopping and hubby got the turkey last night.

      thank you all.

      Merry Christmas.


    • Anonymous
      December 24, 2008 at 6:21 pm

      This too shall pass – Hang in there – Merry Christmas

    • Anonymous
      December 24, 2008 at 6:54 pm

      Glad your feeling a little better.
      Merry Christmas

    • Anonymous
      December 24, 2008 at 10:24 pm

      Sorry you have been going through so much lately. I hope you wake up tomorrow feeling much, much better!!

    • December 25, 2008 at 1:00 am

      You are an amazingly strong girl!!! I knew you did not mean it when you said you are loosing your will to care. When is ivig? You cannot get it w/ a fever. if it is soon, make sure you are not on tylenol or anything so that you can be sure the meds are not keeping a fever away. Believe it or not, you have many good things happening going in to the next year, Connor, your hubby, Penney, and increased ivig!!! That is the best present of all. BTW, once you get that cranked up ivig, cold should be harder to get!!! Have a great christmas friend. Love, health and happiness is sent your way for today and the coming New Year.
      Dawn Kevies mom

    • Anonymous
      December 25, 2008 at 4:58 am

      WOW! That’s a really high fever for an adult! I do hope you are feeling better today Stacey. I’m glad you let others pitch in and help – that’s what Christmas is all about, helping others but also letting other people help you. Dawn is right, you won’t get sick as often or as bad once you are on more IVIg. Point of fact – hubby was much sicker than me with strep, he went on antibiotics, I got over it in 24 hours.

      I hope you have a wonderful day today and are able to enjoy yourself despite feeling so sick. You have my sympathies and concerns. Please keep an eye on yourself and if your fever gets up to 105 you get yourself to the ER no matter how much it will mess up your Christmas. That’s just short of brain damaging temps and that’s not something you need on your plate right now so be good.

      Take care Stacey, I’ll be sending nice cool thoughts your way today. Merry Christmas!


    • Anonymous
      December 25, 2008 at 8:20 am

      Hope you are feeling a lot better today.
      Have a Merry Christmas

    • Anonymous
      December 25, 2008 at 11:37 pm

      HI guys !

      Here it is 10p on Christmas Night and I am feeling 90 percent myself ! When I think about how sick I was the other day, I am AMAZED at how I’m doing.
      It came on fast and hard. Sunday afternoon I had a slight tickle feeling in my throat and chest. Didnt feel sick…but felt something. Monday, I took ibuprofen first thing b/c I’ve been doing that around the clock to help with my hand and knee. I felt fine most of the day…we had our luncheon at work, I was fine. About 2p, I felt a real sore neck in the front…my glands were so tender to touch, but my throat didnt hurt really. By 5p, I was making Connor’s dinner…feeling like crap and told hubby I’d better go to the urgent care b/c something was going on. By 7p, I had spiked the fever of 102…waiting to be seen at urgent care. Thank God, they gave me the shot before I got to the worst of it. By noon the next day, 104 temp and all I could do was cry and moan. I got my son out of here right away b/c I did not want him to see me that way.
      Did I mention that neither I nor my husband has our tonsils and we STILL got strep ! UGH. I hadnt had that since I was 20 yrs old…just before I had my tonsils out.

      I called hubby at work. I wanted him to come home but didnt ask him to. I knew there was nothing he could do if he did come home. With all the worry I’ve put him thru this last month, that’s all he needed.
      I cried to him on the phone for a min and went back to sleep.

      A few hours later, the fever broke and I knew I”d live ! God answered a whole lot of prayers. ๐Ÿ˜€

      Christmas has come and gone, everything done as it should be, Connor absolutely thrilled and my stepdaughter was happy, too.

      Tomorrow I will go shop for the trimmings of the big meal on Saturday but I will be fine. I”m good. I really am. No early bird sales for me tho…no over doing and wearing myself out like a wet noodle again any time soon ! Why wont I just listen ?????? I’m learning.

      I had a very nice Christmas…all of our family together, even the oldest sister.
      We didnt speak really…but she was there and I know my Mom looked down on us and smiled.
      My step daughter got me two beautiful frames…one that says Nana on it with a picture of my Mom and another that is a black frame that says in gold letters, “Nana, someone we will never forget”, and in that a picture of my Mom and I. Yes, I cried. So sweet.

      I”m tired and going to bed. Connor didnt go to sleep till 11 p and my 12yr old stepdaugther -even after TWO bendryl- didnt go to sleep till about 1a. So, SANTA didnt get to come till after that ! Makes for a tired mommy. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Hubby was a great help.

      Thank you all for your encouragement, God Bless and Merry Christmas.

      My ivig is the 29th and 30th…I should be great by then. OH….and no hand burning for about 4 nights in a row now…been wearing a brace. NO fracture to the knee and it didnt hurt while I had the strep but is hurting again today. Probably b/c I was resting ? I know :rolleyes:

      But, again…I love you guys..thanks !


    • Anonymous
      December 26, 2008 at 12:17 am

      A great Christmas Miracle! I’m so glad that things turned out as they did! and what a thoughtful gift from your step daughter, that is something you will cherish forever!

      Merry Christmas and God Bless Us, Everyone!


    • Anonymous
      December 26, 2008 at 9:25 am

      Great that you are better and had a good Christmas.
      Enjoy that dinner on Saturday.
      Don’t forget to rest and not over do it.
      Take care

    • Anonymous
      December 27, 2008 at 3:34 am

      Hi Stacey! Hope you are much better today and well rested. A little late for wishing you a Merry Christmas but am glad you got better and had a nice Holiday. Many more to come! It’s always fun watching our children at Christmas. They give us light and joy to our lives! Hugs

    • Anonymous
      December 27, 2008 at 7:41 pm

      My inlaws are all herea and I’ve snuck aaway. The turkey has been in the oven for 8 and 1/2 hours and will probalby be another 45 min or so.
      Good Lord !

      We expected to eat at four and it’s 645. They brought lots of beer and wine and champagne. I”ve had about 5 beers now and if I dont eat soon ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

      I am feeling great. I have a huge herpes on my lip and my mouth is full of sores. I think that must be from the fever I had. I dont know about the mouth sores b/c I’ve never had em like this. I havent been able to eat for two days b/c of them.

      I need some food to soak up the beer.



    • Anonymous
      December 27, 2008 at 10:40 pm

      Hey Stacey! I get mouth sores from lupus alot. I take warm salt water and goggle and it helps to heal them faster. The mouth blister, I use Herpesin! Might be mispelled. That stuff takes away fever blisters really fast. If not I end up keeping them a while.
      Shows you still have that virus still lurking in your body! Don’t over do it!
      Beer hey! I have not had a beer in a very long time! I’m waiting for New Years! I alway’s spike the punch! Hugs! Get well soon!