I had a terrible scare this afternoon!

    • Anonymous
      December 1, 2008 at 7:10 pm

      Got up early this morning because I had to go get labs done, see my doctor and then my mom had a doctor’s appointment this morning too. So I go over her house and pick her up then drop her off at her doctors to go across the street to my doctors and then pick her back up. She had to see her eye doctor for yearly checkup. Well it’s been one challenging day I must say! 3 weeks ago she called in an RX that is called Protinix. She uses the generic brand because she has stomach problems. My mom calls her RX’s in 5 days early giving the pharmacy time to fill it. My sister took her out to eat and they picked up the RX’s this time. But that one didn’t get filled because the insurance company wanted the doctors authorization. So the pharmacy said they would call her doctor. They forgot to call or either the doctor’s nurse just had not gotten the message. So a week went by and then two weeks went by and she finally told me about it. She saw her doctor this past Tuesday when my brother in law took her and the nurse claims she didn’t know anything about it. After my mom called them!!! 😡 So Friday morning she called me and told me the RX still was not filled.
      Well that really put a bug up my butt big time. So I called her Insurance company and wanted to know what the problem was. Then I jumped all over them telling them they never send her any letters and pull this crap everytime at the last minute when she is in the process of getting it filled and is running out of meds. Gave them a warning and told them it better not happen again! So they now have her in the computer to notify her 1 month before her next refill when they want authorization. Now what really put another bug up my butt was when I found out the doctor had the faxed sheet to fill out and they recieved it on Tuesday. But Thanksgiving holiday was almost here and that was more important than my mother’s meds.
      This morning, I was on the war path! And while my mom was seeing her eye doctor, I got on my cell phone and the one lady I talked to said she would put it in the nurses box. Well my mom’s nurse never calls back until two days later and the Insurance company told me to tell them to call using Option O! I waited 45 minutes and no call! So I called again and this time I demended to speak to her or she was going to see my fanny at that office demanding to see my mom’s doctor. That got her attention! Next thing I know the nurse called and they got my mom’s RX filled. Told them on the phone before she called me back that my mother was not going to go another 5 days or two weeks without her meds. She told me she was waiting for the fax and I told her that she got the fax on the 25th. And another one on the 27th. Lets just say I caught her in a lie and she knew I had her by that rope! So we finally got the RX filled.
      Get back to my mom’s house and pulled in the drive way when this huge dog came running to the car. Looked like a St. Bernard. That dog was huge. It was barking and I would pull up and it got in front of the van. Started to back up and it would get behind the van. Could not get in the garage. So we very easily pulled out to the street and the dog followed us to the street. Beeped the horn and it would not budge! I honestly thought this dog was going to jump in the window of the van. I’m freaking but trying to stay calm because my mom was screaming! And I am trying to calm her down. Ever see Cujo that movie with the dangerous dog. Well that is what I thought I was dealing with. I get on the cell phone and call 911 and they tell me to call Animal control. Hung up and they had my phone tied up and I couldn’t call anybody. Great! But I was still able to call 911. They call animal control. Finally another car came by and it went after that car. So we booked down to the end of the road and waited a few minutes. Finally started back to her house and the dog saw us coming and I flew in my mom’s garage. Hit the garage door button and now we are in her house. Get my mom in the house. And go back out in the garage and look out the garage door window and Cujo was still there! Great! How am I going to get to my truck! LOL! Then Andy calls on my cell phone and he got off early due to no work today. He was already home. I told him that was great but if he does not see me home it’s because I am stuck in my mom’s garage being guarded by Cujo! He tells me he is on his way. I tell him to be careful that the dog acts dangerous! My husband arrives and pulls all the way up to the garage door and see’s Cujo! He sits there a minute and watches the dog. Talks to it with the window cracked. I am about to die for now he is opening up his truck door. I am yelling for him to be careful. He opens the door and Cujo happened be to a female dog named Cujie! LOL! She went right up to my husband and rolled on the ground to be petted. And he said sit! She sat! He said lay down she laid down. He asked for her paw and she gave him her paw. So he grabs her and tells me to get in my truck. I get in my truck and start it and then he opens up his truck door and the dog flew in his front seat. He is tugging on the dog trying to get her out. He finally got her out and started the truck. Now she is doing the same thing to him as she was to us. LOL! He goes to open up his truck door to try and shoo her away but she sailed in his lap into the passenger side! ROFL! I went ahead and left and noticed he’s not behind me. So I pull over! Then he rides by and all I could see was this huge dog sitting in the passenger side enjoying her ride! My mom was calling the neighbors and trying to see if anybody owned her but nobody owned her. Andy took her to the SPCA. Beautiful dog too! But certainly too big for me to handle. I sure hope it’s owners call the SPCA and tries to find her. She just wanted some attention! Think she was lonely and it was windy too outside and I think the wind was scaring her! All I saw was her teeth and barking. And I was not sure if she was friendly or not. Dog turned out to be a loving creature that wanted a home! It was just so funny seeing this huge dog sitting in the front seat of my husbands truck!
      I get home and am now pooped! The day ended up in the end turning out to be of good and not bad. But it started out nerve racking!
      I’m feeling a little better. My vitamin D level is back up to normal levels but doctor wants me staying on Vitamin D for a bit longer. Thyroid levels were in range and looked good. Because I am on Rituxan though he wants to check my levels monthly so nothing gets messed up with my levels. But so far my surgery and levels look great. So it looks like I have two issues now taken care of and much better now with that. Glad to hear the news there!
      Wishing everybody a nice evening!
      Linda H

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 7:40 am

      You know, Linda – it was really worth the effort to read your long posting, it really was both LOL and ROFL , but it was also stomach-wrencing at some point. Hope the poor, but menacing dog gets a good home eventually.

      I have to admit, though, that I would have fainted at some points if it was me in your shoes there!!!

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 9:33 am

      Hi Linda
      I really enjoyed your Cujo story! I’m also glad that everything turned out ok for your mum.

    • Anonymous
      December 2, 2008 at 10:06 am

      Great story about your scare with Cujo. LOL

    • Anonymous
      December 3, 2008 at 7:12 am

      Andy called the SPCA yesterday about Cujo and obe of the employees there saw the dog and decided to take her home with him. So Cujo got a home! Yeah!!!
      What is really scary is my mom lives out in the country and there are alot of woods in her area. My biggest fear was rabies. She has raccoons and possums and water rats all in that area and they carry rabies. But Cujo turned out to not have rabies. Just wanted attention and a home. She now has a home.
      That dog was huge! If it would have jumped on top of the van it could have broken the windshield. Scared me to death. I am normally not scared of dogs but the way she was acting had me scared.
      Thank God she has a home now!