Hi from newbie…question about winter.

    • Anonymous
      October 8, 2010 at 4:47 pm

      Hi everyone. My name is Christine. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying reading your stories, questions and support for each other. I am newly diagnosed with GBS/CIDP…beginning to look more like CIDP. My question is about navigating outdoors during the upcoming snowy winter. How do those of you who rely on wheelchairs manage in the icy conditions? Any hints would be really helpful. On a positive note I am enjoying keeping up my social contacts e.g. friends visiting for coffee, even though it can be energy draining…the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Ok, hands giving up now, so will stop typing and wait for any and all responses. A big thankyou to you all for offering such a supportive online community.

    • Anonymous
      October 8, 2010 at 10:10 pm

      I was in a power chair for 3 years, have been out of it now since the summer of 2004. But when we went out (we live in northern MN, lots of snow), we would take my manual chair & my husband would push me, as I had no strength in my arms or hands. But my son is 29 & has been in a manual sports wheelchair all of his life. He works fulltime, drives with hand controls & manages to push himself wherever he needs to go. He is a sports writer, so he has to go out often to cover high school basketball, hockey & swim meets for both boys & girls. I still don’t know how he has done it all the past 7 years, but he does have great upper body strength. Look into public transportation, we have a program called Dial-arid which picks people up anywhere & transports them for $1.50.

    • Anonymous
      October 8, 2010 at 10:31 pm

      Thanks Pam. Yes, I definitely do not have enough upper body strength to manage a wheelchair on my own. Looks like I’ll be relying on my ever patient husband and daughter to get me out and about. I appreciate your answer to my question. It’s great to be part of this wonderful forum 🙂 .

    • Anonymous
      October 11, 2010 at 4:14 pm

      try and reach out to your town’s Access a Ride program. contact the dept of social services in your area and get numbers for help for the disabled in the town. also, if you are 60 y or older (?I’m just saying….) contact your local Dept. of the Aging. They have a wealth of resources.

    • Anonymous
      October 11, 2010 at 6:41 pm

      I live in Florida now but I grew up in New York and I remember the winters. The hardest part was getting out of the driveway. A path to the driveway and the driveway had to be shoveled right down to the ground or pavement so my feet wouldn’t slide when I tried to pedal or stand (I am in a wheelchair). As long as the driveway was cleared I could get myself out to the road for an accessible bus with a lift and go out myself. When I had to get in and out of a car I would take a throw rug with a good latex backing to step on because parking lots aren’t plowed clear.