Guilty pleasures

    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2006 at 6:19 pm

      Most of us have something we like that we know is tacky, cheesy, or just plain too awful to admit. They say that confession is good for the soul.

      I’ll start by confessing mine: I never miss “Dog- the Bounty Hunter” on TV.
      Strangely fascinating…….

      Who else is ready to ‘fess up?

    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2006 at 7:27 pm

      Me too, I love “Dog” and I also watch “Bridezilla” all the time.

      My other favorite show that I never missed was “Family Plots,” but they took it off the air.

      Geez, I need to get a life.LOL

    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2006 at 7:37 pm

      Ravoli or Spagetti O’s right out of the can

      even better while watching COPS

      ( see, I really can’t spell )

    • Anonymous
      August 30, 2006 at 7:44 pm


      The only time I watch Dog the Bounty Hunter, is to wait and see if his wife can get a seatbelt around and over those huge boobs. Then when the lectures start directed at who they bring in, I turn the channel. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2006 at 6:48 pm

      [COLOR=red]I really enjoy checking out other fire departments and their toys.[/COLOR]

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2006 at 7:39 pm


      That sounds like fun to me!

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2006 at 8:15 pm

      [COLOR=”Purple”]O.K., only here would I admit this…………….I am addicted to ROLO’S and I am an American Idol groupie………..There, I said it!LOL[/COLOR]

    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2006 at 4:00 pm

      I have another one to confess…… I actually LIKE McDonalds double cheese burgers.:rolleyes:

    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2006 at 4:15 pm

      Watching Amercan Idol is probably mine. Not the somewhat-talented legitimate competitors, but the absolute morons who sound like a dying wildebeest, but HONESTLY believe that they’re the next Whitney Houston or Jim Morrison. The looks of shock on their faces when Simon grimaces at them and yells, “That was the most horrible thing I’ve [I]ever heard[/I]!” is just hysterical to me.

    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2006 at 7:38 pm




    • Anonymous
      September 4, 2006 at 2:30 pm

      Reading People magazine cover to cover.

    • Anonymous
      October 21, 2006 at 8:41 pm

      Probably the most tacky and embarrassing thing I do, and I never thought I’d turn into *this* person, but I have a collection of shoes in my desk at work. I have managed to bring home three bags of them so far, but I still have about five pair in there. I just hate wearing my work shoes outside, and I’m too lazy to bring them home at the end of the day!


    • Anonymous
      October 21, 2006 at 9:46 pm

      Shannon = Imelda Marcos aka the Shoe Lady

    • Anonymous
      October 21, 2006 at 9:59 pm

      Yeah, yeah, I know. ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 9:34 am

      I’ll do anything for chips and dip. All time fave is french onion right out of the container with potato chips. Love the stuff.

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 10:42 am

      Computer spider solitaire. I’ve torn the mouse away from my tekkie friend Walter to play this mindless game.


    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 1:23 pm

      [B]I’m a chocoholic. Give me chocolate candy and I’m your friend for life, especially if it’s Belgian chocolate.[/B] I had to post this, now I’m craving chocolate. Bad girl stop thinking about it.

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 3:52 pm

      Doesn’t anyone have a Toblerone for Donna? Get her one, quickly!!

    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 4:00 pm

      Pizza, pasta, ravioli, lasagna, etc., etc., etc.

      Brandy’s middle son has promised me pasta and sausages…he knows the way to Aunt Marge’s heart.


    • Anonymous
      October 22, 2006 at 11:32 pm

      A Sunday roast for lunch, with a good glass of wine AND hot dessert ….. and then off for nap. ๐Ÿ˜€ Old habbits from childhood die hard.

    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2006 at 11:16 am

      Pumpkin pie with whipped cream – the best piece is the second one I sneak when Carol isn’t looking. If she saw me she would invariably say “don’t you have to watch your sugar intake, honey.” ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2006 at 11:38 am

      What am I addicted to????

      A hot cup of leaded coffee with a big huge slice of key lime cheesecake, all curled up on the sofa with my dog at my feet, a fire in the fireplace and classical music in the background. Can’t get enough of that — but hardly ever get the opportunity with a wee one romping around the room and scaring the dog with her antics. Now I don’t even have a fireplace so I definately won’t get that opportunity for a while. ๐Ÿ™

    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2006 at 2:55 pm

      This is from my heart – and I know it’s not socially acceptable to admit this for all the world, so this must be the place to get it off my chest:

      -I find chocholate too sweet:p
      -I find that too much food, now matter how delicious, hurts:eek:
      -I find alchohol overrated – hate what it does to my head:(
      -I smoke (abt 10 a day) and I LOVE IT!!:cool:

    • Anonymous
      October 23, 2006 at 11:22 pm

      krispy kreme cream filled chocolate frosted donuts and a cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream on top! well at least i can go eat one of my donuts and maybe a glass of milk.:)

      norb, there is a good reason for her to tell you that!!:) next time send me the second piece!!!!:D

    • Anonymous
      October 24, 2006 at 12:02 am

      [FONT=”Book Antiqua”]A big slice of Butter Pecan Cake topped with Butter Cream Icing, I have baked a lot of these I took one to work at Christmas a few yrs back. A few of the employees were fighting over it. [/FONT]

    • Anonymous
      October 24, 2006 at 10:49 pm

      [QUOTE]krispy kreme cream filled chocolate frosted donuts [/QUOTE]

      [COLOR=red]MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM with a glass of cold milk! ;)[/COLOR]

    • Anonymous
      November 5, 2006 at 1:11 pm

      Having the house to myself all day, and sleeping as long as I want to. Then staying in my pj’s all day and not answering the door or the telephone.

    • Anonymous
      November 5, 2006 at 9:30 pm

      Oh My God Suzanne!!! I am so there with you! I did this today! Jammies till 4pm!
      Think I’ll have a Krispy Kreme for breakfast tomorrow on my way to work. It’s the only justifying reason I can think of for getting up at 5:00am and driving an hour and 45 minutes to my main station for a stupid sales meeting. YUK.

    • Anonymous
      November 5, 2006 at 10:38 pm

      That sounds great to me too. My wife, granddaughter and son-in-law came back here yesterday and I couldn’t hang around in my PJ’s very long. But we decided that I stay here alone again Tuesday through Thursday, They’ll return to Denver, my wife to babysit. Guess what I’ll do. Sleep as long as I can, leisurelly have breakfast taking my time to shower. I agreed to stay here and spray the fence with a preservative since there are only a couple days of nice weather left. Hope I can manage with the sprayer in one hand and a cane in the other:eek:

    • Anonymous
      November 6, 2006 at 10:23 pm

      I didn’t see anybody with my favorite- ICE CREAM!!! The only problem is my teeth are more sensitive than ever with the CellCept I’m on.

      So, I stick it in the microwave to get it melty. Hey, I have to have it!!

      Any kind of ice cream will do- but Mint Chip with hot fudge poured on it is my absolute favorite. A close second is vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries. (Is that healthy enough???)

      Pop- or soda- or soda pop- or cola (whereever you’re from) is a close second! And if they had Mountain Dew in glass bottles- it might be over ice cream. But pop in plastic and cans just doesn’t have the same taste as in glass bottles.


    • Anonymous
      November 7, 2006 at 1:22 am

      Ice Cream…did someone say Ice Cream????!!!! ohhh what i would give to have some choclate almond fudge….. and eat it while i’m lazing around in my jammies!:) i have been in my jammies just putzin around for the last few days and it feels GREAT! and i get to do it again tomorrow!! WooHoo!!!:)

    • Anonymous
      November 7, 2006 at 11:47 am

      Cheryl, Hanging in your jimjams is as much a guilty pleasure as ice cream. Add both – wow, you really going to hell in a handbasket.

      My latest guilty pleasure – skipping evening meetings and staying home.

    • Anonymous
      November 7, 2006 at 5:42 pm

      OK ~ I confess ~ “Sex in a Pan”. You start with a graham cracker crust, a layer of cream cheese, next, pistacio pudding mixed with cool whip and then grated dark chocolate on top. It’s so very rich that you can eat it very slowly and enjoy each little bite!! Oh, and a most delicious cup of hot coffee. Hmm, think I’ll head for the kitchen . . . (I hear that Robert Redford likes this with chocolate pudding ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Anonymous
      November 8, 2006 at 11:31 am

      MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! gonna have to try that-of course since i’m the only one in the house who likes pistacio pudding I’ll have to be the only one who eats it!!!:D

    • Anonymous
      November 8, 2006 at 7:02 pm

      Since I tend to be a little on the compulsive side (well, maybe a lot:rolleyes: ), I feel that I “should” read the newspaper and all of the personal and business magazines that I subscribe to, when they arrive.

      My guilty pleasure (which I am indulging today) is to simply throw them in the recycling bin without even looking at them.

    • Anonymous
      November 11, 2006 at 1:30 am

      Nielsen’s Frozen Custard all is good but Chocolate is the best. Alas in is about 160 miles away. Yet, when we do go that way we stop sometimes both going there and comming back.

    • Anonymous
      November 16, 2006 at 1:24 pm

      I need to watch my carbs but Yukon Jack liqueur (100 proof from Canada) is just delicious. Got a tiny 20ml bottle for 99 cents at the liqueur store yesterday and had it secretly. But Carol discovered it last night when she looked at the receipt. I didn’t feel too guilty, though. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Anonymous
      November 16, 2006 at 5:32 pm

      I love beer, there I said it ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Anonymous
      November 16, 2006 at 5:54 pm

      I was at a week long seminar. My roommate was a southern belle shopaholic from hell, and my colleague’s roommate was a fat guy who sat in the hotel room in his skivvies all evening watching TV and passing gas, then snored loudly all night. On the third evening into the seminar we bought earplugs, a bottle of Yukon Jack, and a chess set. Neither one of us remember the end of the chess game, but we didn’t kill our roommates, and that was a very good thing.

    • Anonymous
      November 16, 2006 at 6:01 pm

      Funny story, vmac

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2006 at 12:00 am

      norb, she was more upset that you didn’t buy her one!!!;) how can carol be upset with you, norb!:)

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2006 at 12:03 am

      jer, you’re not one of those fruity beer men are you? don’t you feel better now that you’ve admitted it jer?!:)

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2006 at 5:24 am

      Jer, we are the micro brew capitol of the world. Good beer, here.

      staying in bed and reading is one of my great guilty pleasures.

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2006 at 9:24 am

      fruity beer??? No way, Budweiser, Heineken, Moosehead, Corona, Becks, Sam Adams for me please.

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2006 at 10:36 am

      [QUOTE=angel2ndclass22699]norb, she was more upset that you didn’t buy her one!!!;) how can carol be upset with you, norb!:)[/QUOTE]

      Yes, she can. Somes her Irish temper comes through. But she wasn’t upset because I also got a big bottle of white rum – mostly for her. She doesn’t like the sweet stuff like I do.

    • Anonymous
      November 17, 2006 at 7:48 pm

      I have to confess that I really donโ€™t like turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, but I love turkey on rye bread later that night.:D

    • Anonymous
      November 18, 2006 at 1:23 am

      I confess that it’s 1:22 am and I can’t sleep, so I’m reading posts on this forum. Usually I can’t wake up, but now I can’t sleep – how ironic:confused:

    • Anonymous
      November 18, 2006 at 2:39 am

      suzanne, need a beer?;)

    • Anonymous
      November 18, 2006 at 11:03 am


      By the time you had posted I had taken an Ambien and FINALLY got to sleep, but I’ll take a rain check on the beer. Next time we’re in the Tavern.:)


    • Anonymous
      November 18, 2006 at 11:23 am

      Oh yes, my guilty pleasure is not answering the door for people who are selling anything door to door.:p

    • Anonymous
      November 19, 2006 at 11:39 am

      My mother-in-law is visiting right now staying for two months. I like to tease her as a way of dealing with frustration and irritation. Fortunately, she doesn’t catch on. Last night she hawked the TV for two hours watching a boring soap opera on Lifetime at high volume. She refuses to get a hearing aid. I tried to ignore it and snooze on the couch. Reading was impossible with the volume turned up that much. At the end I said: “You like soap operas, don’t you?”

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2006 at 7:33 pm

      Leaving the dishes in the dishwasher until my husband gets home, knowing he’ll empty it and put them away.

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2006 at 7:51 pm

      Suzanne, What’s your husbands e-mail adds? ๐Ÿ˜€ We guys need to stick together.

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2006 at 8:59 pm

      lol yeah I agree Norb we must give him a call ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2006 at 9:20 pm

      Can’t believe you guys would really rat me out! Besides, I’m always the one who loads the dishwasher with dishes after meals, so I don’t feel TOO guilty about having my husband unload it….

      Anyway. isn’t there some kind of law about confidentiality on these confessions? If not, I’m making one up right now!

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2006 at 9:22 pm

      Can’t believe you guys would really rat me out! Besides, I’m always the one who loads the dishwasher with dishes after meals, so I don’t feel TOO guilty about having my husband unload it….

      Anyway. isn’t there some kind of law about confidentiality on these confessions? If not, I’m making one up right now!

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2006 at 11:20 pm

      OK, Suzanne, I am fessing up: My [B]guilty pleasure [/B]is teasing people and enjoying their reaction.

      Don’t worry, your secret is safe here.

    • Anonymous
      November 22, 2006 at 11:37 pm

      My silence can be bought with beer ๐Ÿ˜‰

      j/k your secret is safe.

    • Anonymous
      November 23, 2006 at 9:48 am

      You really need to come to the PNW for beer. We have microbreweries and craft breweries on any street corner that does not have a Starbucks.

      New guilty pleasure—-Starbucks eggnog creme blended frappacino

    • Anonymous
      November 23, 2006 at 1:25 pm

      Jerimy and Norb,

      Next visit to the Tavern, I’m picking up Jerimy’s beer tab! Norb gets drinks of his choice too. While we’re at it, I’ll join you, and we can toast to “guilty pleasures”!


      P.S. Vicki, that Starbucks eggnog creme blended frappacino sounds yummy!

    • Anonymous
      November 24, 2006 at 5:59 pm

      my guilty pleasure is the gilmore girls i love that show

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 12:36 am

      Washington State is one area I have never been and have always wanted to go. Sounds like my kind of place ๐Ÿ™‚

      You really need to come to the PNW for beer. We have microbreweries and craft breweries on any street corner that does not have a Starbucks.

      New guilty pleasure—-Starbucks eggnog creme blended frappacino[/quote]

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 9:35 am

      Come next Saturday for our annual St Andrews open house. Lots of craft beer, single malt, men in kilts and pipers and fiddlers, including yours truely if I can break free.

      Next guilty pleasure – a dram of Abedour while sitting in the hot tub.

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 2:31 pm

      I like to eat the topings off of a slice of pizza and leave the crust (actually feed the crust to the birds and squirrels).

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 4:03 pm

      I never knew this before, but apparently, one of my guilty pleasures is eating chocolate frosting straight out of the container. I’m never buying that stuff again!

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 4:52 pm

      One of my guilty pleasures is fresh mango sliced up, sticky rice and sweetened coconut cream with crunchies. Oh those bad calories taste mighty delicious. Can’t wait to get back to Thailand in a few weeks. They sell it everwhere at the open air markets for 50 cents. Many Thai restaurants here have it on their menu, too, for a price but there is no comparison with fresh mangos over there.

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 6:03 pm

      Norb, that sounds disgusting! :p

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 6:18 pm

      C’mon, your mouth is probably watering… chocolate icing, heh? You can find the sticky rice at Asian foodmarkets.

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 6:19 pm

      Yeah, with chocolate chips. Extra fattening.

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 6:20 pm

      No thanks, I prefer Jasmine rice.

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 6:21 pm

      I normally do, too. We have 25 lbs of it at the house

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 6:24 pm

      I probably have about the same amount. The stores all ran out of it at the same time a few months ago, so next time it was back on the shelves we bought several bags of it.

    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 8:28 pm

      Another guilty pleasure: this must be the third cranberry muffin I snacked on walking through the kitchen to the dining corner where the laptop is. My m’in-law who is visiting for the holidays baked them this morning. I know I’ll get a smart comment when she discovers there are only three left.

      Suzanne, since you live in Chicago, perhaps next time you should check out Asian Markets. Everything is sooo cheap there. We actually bought one 50 lbs bag of Jasmine rice in Denver some time ago, I think it was around $12. We eat a lot of rice since we lived in Thailand. We actually lived in a village at the home of a rice farmer first time around.

      A rice baby star asking the rice spirit for protection of the harvest:


    • Anonymous
      November 25, 2006 at 9:23 pm


      The rice baby star photo is cute. Tell your MIL that she should bake more of the cranberry muffins if since she knows how much you like them!

      Cheryl, I can’t be left alone with chocolate frosting either! I NEVER buy it for that reason.

    • Anonymous
      December 5, 2006 at 9:13 pm

      Haha, Suzanne and Norb, you two are terrible with names! I’m the one who lives in Chicago and likes Jasmine rice. Where’s the Asian Market, Norb? I’m also the one who ate all the chocolate frosting. :p

      Can’t think of any guilty pleasures tonight. I think I’ve been good so far!


    • Anonymous
      December 5, 2006 at 11:07 pm

      Sorry Shannon, You are so right about the name thing, although I knew the frosting thing was you, just had a temporary brain freeze! Anyway, the chocolate frosting is deadly, but yummy, isn’t it?

      My guilty pleasure today was blowing off the afternoon from work to go Christmas shopping.


    • Anonymous
      December 6, 2006 at 10:42 am

      Suzanne, I’m used to it; I live with a GBSer who’s always telling me his brain feels numb, and he’s forgetful. Blowing off an afternoon at work to go shopping sounds great! I’m blowing off this morning to take Ben to another doctor’s appointment. Not as much fun!

    • Anonymous
      December 6, 2006 at 11:03 am

      Hey [B]Sharon[/B], or was it [B]Shannon[/B], I forgot which. I know you live in Detroit or one of those ugly big cities and love sticky rice and don’t eat sweets, hehe

      OK, I admit it. Carol always reminds me whenever I have one of my “senior moments”

      Oh, Asian market? There are several where you live, just google it. here is one: ONU Asian Market – 3310 N Broadway St, Chicago, IL. or Asian Market, 1014 W LELAND AVE CHICAGO, IL 60640 You just have to find a good one.

      Here is my confession: My guilty pleasure was eggnogg with Canadian whisky yesterday. Whenever I am alone at the house (Carol stayed in Denver babysitting), I sneak out to get something good at the store. Yesterday I called dial-a-ride to pick up me and my rollator, went to the grocery store and liqueur store. Bought eggnogg at the grocery store and a bottle of Canadian, a bottle of Grolsh beer and a small bottle of Sambucca (sweet Greek licorice liqueur) at the liqueur store.. Then I went next door to eat a garlic chicken personal pizza. Delicious, best pizza I ever had. I got an empty glass and poured the beer hiding it behind a newspaper to avoid getting caught. It was fun. Pizza doesn’t taste right without beer and they didn’t serve any. And then I sat on the seat of my rollator in front of the grocery store waiting to get picked up again. The small bottle of sambuca was my dessert and made the waiting time shorter.

      At home I must have finished half of the eggnogg watching The Unit and Jay Lenno later. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

      I am glad Carol doesn’t read my posts. ๐Ÿ˜€

      P.S. The fun is over. Carol just called. She is on her way home with m-i-l and Sydney, our granddaughter. Our daughter and s-i-l will be here tonight. He is going to do some more work in the basement, adding 2 bedrooms and a bath.

    • Anonymous
      December 6, 2006 at 1:19 pm

      My guilty pleasure today, as soon as the hubby gets out the door, will be to go take a nap. Not much sleep last night. Is not sleeping at night a residual? Seems to happen about once a week for me. Awake until about 5 AM. Tough in the days I leave for work at 4:30

    • Anonymous
      December 6, 2006 at 6:35 pm

      I have already told you the few things I enjoy with a bit of a conscience in the back of my head, and perhaps I live a little duller life for it, because sometimes, when hubby goes somewhere leaving me home alone, I really wish for something I could do that was sort of forbidden:rolleyes: ! So I really enjoyed your confession, Norb – reading that I almost wished I liked alchohol:D !

      When I was younger, I did “forbidden” things that were wonderful while doing it, and gave me such exited\ing butterflies in my stomack afterwards in case I should be found out. I miss that:( .

    • Anonymous
      December 6, 2006 at 9:12 pm

      Norb, that’s the best confession yet! All I do is eat macoroni and cheese when Ben’s gone, which is practically never. You really had an adventure though! I’ll have to forgive you for forgetting who I was. You were probably too liquored up. :p

      I’ll have to check out one of those Asian stores. And by the way, you couldn’t be more right about Chicago being a big ugly city. I hate it here, but I can’t convince Ben to leave. He does love Colorado though. I’ve been trying to convince him to go there. Almost anywhere would be better than here.


    • Anonymous
      December 7, 2006 at 11:19 am

      Oh, I don’t know, [B]Shannon[/B], there are a few fun places in Chicago, the wharf, aquarium. I guess it’s a different story to live there.

      Well, next time you are in the neighborhood, the extra bedrooms and bathroom in the basement are almost finished and waiting for your visit if you want to explore Colorado. Just give us a call 970-224-2622

      [B]Allaug[/B], glad you both liked my confession. It’s not the alcohol for its own sake (I don’t get drunk) it’s the combination of flavors, preferably sweet, with the added kick. I’m sure you’ve done a few naughty things in your life. Maybe you’ll think of a new one.

    • Anonymous
      December 7, 2006 at 10:35 pm

      Norb, thank you so much for the invitation! Ben and I may take you up on that sometime! I just had an idea. We should start a vacation swap on the forum like they have on craigslist. Ben and I have a nice 2-bedroom condo near downtown Chicago that we could swap for someone else’s place. It would be awesome to get away for a few days! My number is 630-589-4990.


    • Anonymous
      December 8, 2006 at 10:50 am

      That sounds like a good idea, basically. How would it work? A thread where forum members interested in it would post information about their home and when they are planning to go on vacation? Wouldn’t the ones with more desirable locations get swamped with requests and others living in the boondocks wouldn’t get a chance?

    • Anonymous
      December 8, 2006 at 10:55 am

      I don’t know that I would swap, but if any of you are coming to the Portland area of the great Pacific Northwest, I can be available as a tour guide.

    • Anonymous
      December 8, 2006 at 6:34 pm

      Today, my guilty pleasure was taking out Christmas decorations, putting up a few favorite things and putting the rest away! For some reason, I have always felt that I should go all out, and decorate the entire house.

      This year I have decided to give myself “permission” to just listen to Christmas music, wrap presents, enjoy some eggnog (with maybe a little something extra in it;) ), instead of working myself into a frenzy.


      P.S. The guilty feeling didn’t last long!:D

    • Anonymous
      December 8, 2006 at 7:01 pm

      Tonight, the hubbie is out to dinner with the boys, so instead of being responsible, a girlfirend and I are going to eat takeout pizza, drink wine, and watch a Bing Crosby Christmas special from netflix.

    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 1:03 am

      I think we should All go to Allaug’s house—-I hear she has tons of Good Food!!!!:D ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 7:05 am

      Of course welcome to everyone. At Christmas we really have tons of food and as typical Norwegians we have of course lefse and lutefisk, spare ribs Norwegian style, steamed cotelets of mutton and a lot of other strange dishes. For dessert there are several choices like cream with cloudberries, cream with cold rice boiled in milk, we call it rice cream and it comes with a sauce made of berries, it could be strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or what ever you fancy. This is just a little bit of what I have in the house for you, so well come welcome welcome!;) ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Here I wanted to put in a Christmas picture but it seems impossible for me to accomplish such a task.:mad:

    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 10:58 am

      OK, wait for me! I am coming, too. Sounds yummy. Love good and strange food – as long as it isn’t lutefisk but love lefse. You didn’t warn us about the lutefisk, did you want to shock us non-scandinavians? I’ll never forget that smell.

      Allaug also needs a helping hand. She wouldn’t be the first electronic-gadget-and-picture-posting challenged person I was able to convince there is life beyond horse and buggy ๐Ÿ˜€ Might take a few weeks, though, hehe

    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 3:08 pm

      [QUOTE=norb]That sounds like a good idea, basically. How would it work? A thread where forum members interested in it would post information about their home and when they are planning to go on vacation? Wouldn’t the ones with more desirable locations get swamped with requests and others living in the boondocks wouldn’t get a chance?[/QUOTE]

      Norb, I think that’s how it works on craigslist. You’re right, you would probably get tons in the winter, and I would probably get tons in the summer. I’d love to go to the boonies, but there would have to be an airport nearby. Then again, I can just go home for a visit if I want to be in the boonies.

    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 3:13 pm

      Okay, major guilty pleasure going on today. Ben’s away for the day, so I snuck out to the store and bought a thing of extra sharp cheddar cheese. Then I came home and made noodles and threw every bit of cheese in the pot with the noodles. I ate every last bite. I think that’s got to be at least 3000 calories. I had planned on doing this for a few days because I knew he wouldn’t be home, so I only ate a bowl of cereal yesterday. :p

    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 5:09 pm

      Dear Shannon:

      That reminds me of when I was in college. Skipper’s Fish and Chips restaurants would have an all you can eat buffet for $2.15 on Tuesdays. We would eat breakfast and lunch on Monday and not eat anything else until we ate at the restaurant on Tuesday night. We would just stuff ourselves and then go without anything to eat until Wednesday evening. As one of the starvers (slang for students without parents paying for everything) it really was the only way to get by, but the managers of the restaurants would just cringe when they saw us come into their place of business. One of my fellow starvers ate 23 pieces of fish in one sitting. When we were done eating, we would go to an icecream parlor and get an icecream cone. The icecream acted like Pepto-Bismol, coating your stomach, probably preventing death. Those were some of the best times of my life.


    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 6:05 pm

      Shannon, my mouth was watering reading your post! I LOOOVE cheese, especially sharp cheddar.

      Here’s a really guilty pleasure that I invented. I call it “cheese cookies”.
      Take a microwavable dinner plate, grate about 1/4 cup sharp cheddar cheese onto the plate. Microwave on HIGH until the cheese bubbles and starts to get holes in it. Take it out and pour off the oil, let the cheese cool and eat it. It’s very chewy. In fact, I think I’ll make one now!

      Lee, your story about starving college days was hilarious.


    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 7:24 pm

      Lee, thank you for sharing your wonderful story! I’ve always felt like I was the only one who lost weight rather than gaining my Freshman year, but you probably did too. I went in at 97 lbs. and ended the year at 84 lbs. That was the year I stopped eating meat, and being in college in Tennessee, they even put meat in the vegetables (my mother does that too)! I was finally able to convince the food manager to make a vegetarian lasagna, and he was more than happy to do so, but not until the next year.

      Suzanne, the cookies sound great! I’ve done that putting the cheese on bread before, microwaving it and eating it like that (and it’s really good), but I’ve never done just the cheese. I don’t let myself eat like that very often, but next time I do, I’ll have to remember your recipe!

    • Anonymous
      December 9, 2006 at 10:32 pm

      [IMG]http://c:temp/fly.jpg[/IMG] my secret passion is flying

    • Anonymous
      December 18, 2006 at 10:14 pm

      My guilty pleasure today is that I’ve be procrastinating all day on completing a project that is due tomorrow.

      I know I”ll be up late finishing it, but I DON’T CARE! I don’t feel like working on it right now. Yeah, I know I’ll probably be sorry, but for now, I’m enjoying being bad!

    • Anonymous
      February 22, 2007 at 7:42 pm

      My guilty pleasure today is a baked croissants. Mmm good! But…

    • Anonymous
      February 25, 2007 at 4:54 pm

      Boy do I feel guilty today – NOT!

      I bought a set of satin sheets and pillow cases for our bed. They’re made of lingerie quality satin and are incredibly decadent.
