great leap in recovery
Hello GBS Family! I just bought a new macbook pro so I thought I’d break it in blabbing to you folks! I hope you are well:)
I cant explain this but the last two days have been remarkable on the recovery front. I have been feeling sooooo good today. My right hand has loosened up considerably and the nerve pain is down to feeling a ‘buzzing’ feeling. Not sure if this is the lyrica kicking in. Also, I have had a lot more energy compared to last week.
I think that part of it came yesterday when I was forced into action when water started pouring into the basement during some spectacular thunderstorms. Lisa ran outside to try to divert the water with a little help from me grabbing her a shovel from the shed. While she worked on that i went to the basement to clean up the mess which included the water pouring into the catboxes. I was mopping and digging out ‘cat-clay’ and for a while forgot about my symptoms. I was wiped after (I was pretty active at physio yesterday as well) but rested quickly and was up and about an hour later.
This morning I woke up feeling pretty good and was out for a coffee date and ended up at Future Shop splurging $1700 on this laptop and some other computer gear.
Have any of you had any similar leaps in recovery or how you feel?
AnonymousAugust 11, 2010 at 4:07 pm
During early recovery, I found that I would make huge leaps and bounds. Then, I would plataue for a while and then leaps and bounds again. Since I am5 years out, I don’t really see much except small and slow. But, I do still see improvement. It is wonderful you are feeling so much better. Try not to over do it, and this could become the new you for now.
Tonya Correll
[QUOTE=dolphnlvr8]During early recovery, I found that I would make huge leaps and bounds. Then, I would plataue for a while and then leaps and bounds again. Since I am5 years out, I don’t really see much except small and slow. But, I do still see improvement. It is wonderful you are feeling so much better. Try not to over do it, and this could become the new you for now.
Tonya Correll[/QUOTE]
Thanks Tonya! It’s hard to not over do it. Having been robbed of so many functions I wanna do it all:D However, GBS reminds you after all this that you gotta rest.
Sounds like your getting better suddenly. That’s so good. Just listen to your body and rest as much as you need and take it easy. It’s good to hear you’re improving!
AnonymousAugust 12, 2010 at 10:28 am
Good news that you are improving, but be careful. I would take advantage of the energy increase and then do too much. You have to measure out what really needs to be done and conserve your energy or you will pay for it later. It is hard, I know, because I am not patient, but I did have to learn to pace myself even on the days where I felt better.
Thanks ladies! Some of this has come from mental victories such as driving again. This has allowed me to get out of the house by myself. I took advantage of this yesterday and got my guitar fixed up and brought some antipasto delicacies for Lisa and myself for dinner.
Best to all!
[QUOTE=smitty]Congrats on the energetic new you! Surely you are recovering! Maybe your recent adventure with your family brought it on.
Thanks Smitty.
I saw my neurologist yesterday and had EMG testing (always fun:eek: ). My responses were good and he said I am on a speedy path to recovery. He also confirmed the ‘leap theory’ i.e sudden recovery of functions and feelings. According to Dr. B, once the myelin grows back it it takes time to kick in or a part of a path is completed allowing the nerve signals to ‘suddenly’ kick in.
Whatever, I’ll take it and keep moving.
I hope you all can feel some recovery.:)
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