Got award – Now what

    • Anonymous
      March 22, 2007 at 7:46 pm

      Well I received my SSA letter today. Now what am I going to do? I will take it to my union tomorrow and they will start my benefit from them. I wonder if it will affect my SSA? I guess it’s kinda sinking in I’m DISABLED:( ! I went and said bye top some of my co-workers. I still have it in my mind I will get to go back. I’m sure others have had these same weird feelings. It will be strange this coming week. Sorry if this sounds like a pity-party . It’s just so unplanned. I have worked so long doing the same thing and looking forward to retiring when I wanted. My whole working carrer has been in this one field ever since I was 17, geeez thats 30 years! 😮 If there are any suggestions I’m more than open-minded. Well thanks for just being here.:rolleyes:

    • Anonymous
      March 22, 2007 at 11:23 pm

      Thinking of you Tim.

    • Anonymous
      March 23, 2007 at 9:11 am

      Tim, i’m there with ya, man. Big Hugs! with my disability i have the option of returning within the next ten years and keeping my seniority. isn’t there something like that offered in your place of work? i’m union also, along with being a state employee, i know how you are feeling about not being able to work. the important thing is your health, get it back online and who knows what the future holds. you need to stay positive, it will get you through those seemingly bottomless feelings. keep a strong hold on your boot straps(although some of us need extensions on ours:D ), one step at a time. You know you have this Big Family to help you through.:)

    • Anonymous
      March 23, 2007 at 9:45 am

      HI Tim.
      I know how you feel, I too went and said the good bye’s to my co-workers. It was hard. I talk to some of them every now and then via email, mostly gossip. Women, hehe.
      I had a hard time staying at home at first. I felt as if i was falling off a cliff with my new life change. I now celebrate it. I think of myself as retired not disabled. Slowing things down is good. I didn’t realize how fast i was going when i was working. Now i take the time to enjoy everything i didn’t have time to then. Between IVIG treatments and rehab i found a few hobbies i like to do.
      Hang in there!!!!!

    • Anonymous
      March 23, 2007 at 11:25 am

      Congraulations and it must be really hard. I was just mom when I fell ill and I want to get back to work someday. Since I wasn’t working I don’t think I will qualify for disability and can’t imagine what I will do. I love to work and had hoped to start a new job this spring. Perhaps it will just be different and maybe even better.
      Take care and thank you for all of you posts.

    • Anonymous
      March 23, 2007 at 7:49 pm


      I can sympathize with how you must feel that being awarded disability is a double edged sword, but Lisa D gave you excellent advice. This can be a blessing in disguise. Enjoy this part of your life.

      Best wishes,


    • Anonymous
      March 24, 2007 at 7:47 am

      Tim, I know how it feels! Apart from just wanting to work because I enjoyed it, when I stopped working I got a different perpective on my role in life. It took me a while to learn (and I still struggle with this occasionally) that it is not what you do that counts, but who you are. And I agree you will discover new ways of living a fulfilling life that you would never have known if you stayed in your old job.

      Being limited in one way makes you creative and therefore less limited in another way.