DRUGS.COM is a great site for med info

    • Anonymous
      October 17, 2008 at 9:07 am

      my pharmacist professor always told us to use drugs.com as our drug reference.

      actually, it was a huge part of the pharmacy class i had to take in nursing school. it is FREE and is loaded with accurate information about every drug under the sun. if you search as a layperson, the info is in words we can all understand, yet is still [B]very[/B] informative. or, if you understand medical terminology, you can search as a “professional”. either way, you will see the drug name, uses, doses, side effects, warnings, contraindications, etc.

      id strongly recommend this site for anyone!

      hope this info can help you folks with your medication questions. just remember that each of us is an individual, and we all wont be “textbook”, if you know what i mean. We are all going to be effected in different ways.

      good luck!
