Doctor from Michigan
AnonymousOctober 13, 2011 at 9:23 pm
A poster who used to post a LONG time ago goes to U of M. His name is Jerimy. You may be able to do a search for him & send him a message.
I Googled Dr. Teener & it looks like he certainly has the qualifications to deal with GBS/CIDP.
Here is a link to his info for anyone who wants to check him out:
AnonymousOctober 15, 2011 at 12:10 am
He was one of the first neuros I saw when I was coming down with symptoms back in 2002, he was in Duluth, MN then. I was inpatient for one week then & had been dx with a mild case of GBS, which would later be changed to CIDP a few months later at the Mayo. He seemed very caring & I have good things about him through the years via this forum.
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