Docs in western washington
AnonymousSeptember 16, 2008 at 2:10 am
Hi everyone i am using my mom’s account to post. She recently moved to western washington in the Seattle/Tacoma area and we have a some problems finding a good doctor who is familiar with CIDP. Does anyone have someone they can reccomend for us. Or possibly another source for finding a doctor who is knowlegdeable in CIDP?
AnonymousSeptember 17, 2008 at 6:31 pm
I remember your mom. Try this other neuropathy site [url][/url]
Click on RESOURCES, then on NEUROLOGISTS, then WASHINGTON. They listed one in Seattle. I don’t know what their knowledge is of CIDP, but they are experienced in neuropathy’s. I believe this doctor specialized in cancer, but many of the treatments we use are cancer drugs.
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