disabilty and work

    • Anonymous
      August 31, 2011 at 7:00 pm

      i want to start working part time but im afraid to report any money to SS. It took me to long to get it and i don’t want to loose it, has any one got any info on working and how much you can make, doing ok right now but i still get ivig every 2 months and can’t afford to loose my medicare and then not able to pay for treatments.

    • Anonymous
      September 1, 2011 at 8:44 pm

      I receive ssdi. I also work part time. I was told by ssdi how much i could earn and still receive my full benefits. I am lucky and where i work follows the guidlines. if i get close to my limit i dont work. i work 10 hours a week at $10 an hour. I receive IVIG treatments 2 times a week every week. You should be able to get a ss worker to tell you what you can work based on what you are eligible for.

    • Anonymous
      September 3, 2011 at 8:55 pm

      There are guidelines as to how much you can make and keep your benefits. I have always followed the addage, stay within the lines and little trouble comes your way.

      If you have unreported income and they find it, they will presume there is more and continue to dig. The rules are liberal about how much you can make. It is pretty easy to follow the guidelines.

      I am on SS Disability and also go part-time. No problems.

    • Anonymous
      September 3, 2011 at 9:08 pm

      Hi Diane ,

      Social Security has a “Right to Work ” program …. you just need to call them and ask them what you need to do to try it . It is best to follow the rules as GH-CIDP suggested . When you get on it they will let you know how much you can make and you will get a letter every year. You can still collect SS …however you can’t make over a certain amount . You also may be able to find it on their website as well 🙂
      Hope this is helpful