Disability Advice
AnonymousNovember 6, 2007 at 8:51 am
Well I received my letter last week turning me down for disability. I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t even get an interview, nor did they wait for all my information to arrive from doctors – I just got an approval to release the information from one doctor so I know they didn’t have it before making a decision. So my question is – is it time to get a lawyer and appeal or should I just keep plugging along trying to get them the proper information? Is this the way it’s supposed to work? I mean she lost my paperwork for 3 months, never interviewed me etc… that just doesn’t seem right to me but maybe I had too high of hopes for the first round?
AnonymousNovember 6, 2007 at 10:29 am
Hi Julie,
I had my interview 1st and then was sent the paper work. Interview was May 30th and I received my 1st payment Novemeber 2nd for the 3 prior months. I think you got someone not on the ball so I would start again and ask to talk to a supervisor and tell them your plight. Keep names and dates of all conversations and copies of all correspondence. I’ll pray for you to get an “on the ball” respresentative this time.
Blessings your way,
Brenda G -
AnonymousNovember 6, 2007 at 4:24 pm
Julie, go online and fill out all that you can. then they will call you or you can just call them and tell them you filled out all the forms online and now need an appt. I just called and got my appt because I had a different situation than what they had online. I got my face to face appt last month and already got my denial and now have turn around documents to fill out. Don’t sit back and let them do it-they won’t. You deserve the service, go after them! Good Luck! I’m Praying for ya!!:)
AnonymousNovember 6, 2007 at 5:17 pm
Well I did fill it out online to begin with but never got an interview with anyone. We will appeal, of course, but I was just wondering if it is best to use a lawyer at this point, would that make things go quicker or more smooth? Can a lawyer keep them from losing my paperwork and making me refile it three times? I don’t know, it does seem like they try to put up road blocks but maybe I’m just being cranky because I’m getting another relapse and feeling cruddy. 🙁
AnonymousNovember 6, 2007 at 11:47 pm
I am so sorry that you are going through this, especially when going through a relapse. I would prob.get an attorney just to have someone else fight the battle and take the stress off you doing it alone. You will get approved, its just a matter of getting your case reviewed appropriately and thoroughly. A good disability lawyer can make that happen better than anyone I think. Do whatever is less stressful for you. Good luck.
Linda -
AnonymousNovember 6, 2007 at 11:54 pm
I am so sorry that you are going through this, especially when going through a relapse. I would prob.get an attorney just to have someone else fight the battle and take the stress off you doing it alone. You will get approved, its just a matter of getting your case reviewed appropriately and thoroughly. A good disability lawyer can make that happen better than anyone I think. Do whatever is less stressful for you. Good luck.
Linda -
AnonymousNovember 8, 2007 at 9:53 am
I to was turned down on my first try, summarily without an interview, I then tried again and it sailed right through, I got a different person the second time who took the time to do her job. You might appeal before hiring a lawyer and see what happens.There is an interesting article in this months AARP bulletin. Its pretty sad the way claims are being handled, but maybe this will put pressure on them to clean up their act.
Good luck,
Larry -
AnonymousNovember 8, 2007 at 11:56 pm
when I applied I tired to do it online but I did something and the could not verify the info they had on file so I had to call their toll free number.
when I called I explained to the rep that I was on medical disabilty with my employer and I had to apply for SSD since my empolyer was switching me over to LTD He asked me some questions and when he was done he wanted to know if I wanted to come in for my interview or do it ver the phone. I said phone–too hard to get around at that time. I called on a Wed. had a phone interview Tuesday of the following week. The person asked me sev questions–lucky for me some were the same questions my disability ins co aksed me so I had the answers already. The rep told me they would be sending paperwork out that week —I asked when because I was going back into the hospital that wed. anyway they paperwork came, my mom had to help me fill it out because I could not write at that time. I had to sign release papers for me neuros office to release info. I guess we filled everything out with detail because I got approved on the 1st try. I think I will be able to go back to work the 1st week in dec on a trial basis as I am doing so much better since my last stay in the hosp and starting plasma exchange.
DO NOT GIVE UP! I say call and explain to them-ask how could you be denied when they do not have all the paperwork yet nor have you even had an interview. Sounds like a bunch of crock–I do not understand why our gov’t makes it so darn hard for people to get the benefits they deserve.
Good Luck
If all else fails contact your Congress/Rep. You might want to speak to a supervisor when you call. -
AnonymousNovember 9, 2007 at 10:29 am
I’ve heard that the 1st time a person files for disability they are usually turned down. I think the government does this as a way to try to get only people who really need it on it. I think they try to make it as difficult as possible to keep people off of it.
Good luck next time. I’d say that if they didn’t get all of your paperwork that you should just start over with the attorney. If you get denied again then I would contact one.
AnonymousNovember 9, 2007 at 11:35 am
I just wanted to say that I live in NC and just applied for SSDI and was approved with very little problems. My eval was with an independent DR and he was very helpful. I also recieved SSI for a month while I waited for the approval letter. I was approved in Oct but don;t recieve payment until Nov. I’m surprised you were denied but if you get a lawyer and appeal (do it soon you have 60 days I think to appeal) you will get it.
AnonymousNovember 10, 2007 at 3:09 am
Thank you everyone for your advice – despite all your good advice I still haven’t made up my mind about going the lawyer route or not. I have a date with my hubby tonight to talk about it and weigh all the options so I expect we’ll make our decision then. Now that I’m not so cranky I think I did just get someone who was less than interested/able to successfully manage my case. Both my husband and I talked to her and we both thought she was one or two cards short of a full deck, and I try to be VERY lenient in that regards. I’m sure that I will get approved eventually, there isn’t a single one of my doctors who says I should be working right now, but I was hoping it would be an easy one-shot deal like some of you were fortunate to have. It really bums me out too because I was hoping we could be a little more generous with Christmas gifts this year to our 9 nieces and nephews. My husband and I don’t have kids so we do our best to fulfill the role of the “awesome Aunt and Uncle” who spoil, support and occasionally set straight our siblings’ kids. It’s not really about the money, they know we love them whether we slip them $10 when we see them or not, but I WANT to give them the Mickey Mouse phone rather than the Walmart phone, know what I mean? It’s one of those adjustments I haven’t gotten used to yet, not being able to be as generous as I was when I worked. 😮
AnonymousNovember 10, 2007 at 12:40 pm
The not having money to buy people things is one of the sucky things about disability, even when you are getting it! I have found though, that I am becoming much more creative in my gift giving and motivated to think about the person more and how I can express myself to them in a creative way. Like for my dear friends birthday I made chocolate covered strawberries, put them on scewers, filled a pretty pot up with uncooked rice and arranged the strawberries like a bouquet. It cost all of seven dollars and she loved it more than you can imagine. (So did her husband who loves to eat). So hang in there and use that brilliant mind of yours this holiday as always.
Linda -
AnonymousNovember 10, 2007 at 3:05 pm
I got approved almost three years ago. I got a lot of advice before starting, and followed through. I was turned down the first time, but approved the second. I would offer the following advice.
First, on your denial letter they state why you were denied. You must answer that reason thoroughly in your second submission. In my case (I don’t know if laws were changed since 2004) there was a second submission prior to the hearing. I would definitely recommend a lawyer for the hearing. If the process is stressing you out, go with the lawyer now. Onw thing for sure, if you don’t stand a chance, the lawyer will tell you. Ask how they get paid if you are not successful.
I found that if you are able to satisfactorially answer the reasons for denial the first time, they should approve you. If you don’t answer those reasons, they will shoot you down again. Think positive, get your letters from Dr.s and others who might help answer those denial reasons. I sent in letters from my Doc, plus a letter from Vocational Rehab, who could not find a job for me, and also stated that I stood little chance of getting ANY full time work at all. Those letters plus a little more information got me through.
Good luck in your choice,
Dick S
AnonymousNovember 12, 2007 at 11:41 am
One thing I found out is that each of our congress people have liason’s to work between the constituents and the federal agencies, including the SSA. I was told about this and told to use them instead of a lawyer cause it is free. I had to get them involved in my case early on cause I had a slack case manager that was dragging her feet, never returing my calls, etc. I ended up getting a new case mgr and things have been moving along now, thanks to my representatives office liason. I had to have two different exams with the SSA doctors and now I am just waiting a decision, which I should have within the next two weeks. I am just keeping my fingers crossed at this point. I would suggest at least calling your reps office and seeing if that route works for you cause so far it has worked for me. If I get denied, I will continue to use them instead of a lawyer since I got such good results with everything with them so far. Good luck.
AnonymousNovember 20, 2007 at 9:09 am
It took me a year and three turn downs by disability before I was approved.When I was turned down for the third time I got a lawyer and was told that I should have a court in two years. Then my wife suggested that I write my congressman (TN’s is Jim Duncan)and maybe get results. I wrote my congressman twice and I was approved. Make sure you have all of your currant doctors info on you and your cidp.The disability doctors only saw me once so they had no idea what I was going through.So your neurologist has to work for you by giving disability all the information that they need and that your doctor is going to help get this too.I suggest that you call your disability office again and start over and do your interview over the phone.It took me two hours on the phone and they will send you a large packet to fill out(both you and your doctor)Dont give up keep trying remember disability is the money you put back for all the hard work you put in all of those years. If disability only had information from their doctors I would not have gotten my disability.Also my congressman helped a whole bunch too.Good luck
AnonymousNovember 20, 2007 at 10:24 am
I guess what I don’t understand is how all of you are able to live on less than $900 a month for such a long time? I am a single mom of three boys and there is no way I could live on less than $11,000 a year waiting for disability to be approved. My health insurance is 1/3 of that cost alone. I have used up almost all of my reserves since April waiting for things to improve but when I learned this bit of information from SS, I was shocked. I don’t mean to sound like I have to have a fortune to live on, but between a house payment, taxes, car insurance, health insurance, not to mention food, utilities, etc. And I am quite frugal as it is. Good luck and I’ll keep following these posts, as they do bring up some helpful information. Gabrielle
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