CIDP and swelling of the ankles
AnonymousApril 19, 2007 at 12:44 am
I have CIDP. I am having trouble with my ankles swelling up. Doc thought it was fluid retention and put me on water pills. No results. After my first IVIG I noticed my ankles were less swollen, it has been about 6 weeks since that IVIG. I am noticing my ankles are tight and swollen. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if anyone knows how to reduce swelling and tightness.
AnonymousApril 19, 2007 at 4:39 am
put your feet up it will go down
I have the same problem my family tell e that i have elephant feet. they thought that they were funny until they saw them get so swollen ans tight they broke open and bled.. that was from doing way too much. and heat makes it worse -
AnonymousApril 19, 2007 at 5:10 am
Rhonda, I expect you have ‘dependant oedema’. Nomally the calf muscles act as a pump working fluid back up into the circulation. If the muscles are paralysed then tissue fluid accumulates showing as swollen ankles. Diuretics (water pills) have little or no effect. As advised, elevating your legs helps reduce swelling. DocDavid
AnonymousApril 21, 2007 at 11:07 am
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll put my feet up and relax. It will probably help the other problem. I had a nerve biopsy done Dec 20/06. The site is still infected…went back to Doc yesterday and he put me on another round of pills and more cream to put on site. I’ll be glad when it heals!
AnonymousApril 21, 2007 at 11:18 pm
[QUOTE=Dawn C]Rhonda, besides trying to elevate your legs you could also get some ted hose (which are like socks) these help with swelling. You can purchase them at any medical supply store. Just a thought and good luck.[/QUOTE]
I bought some knee high elastic sock. They work for me.
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