Chicago Area Neuro?
AnonymousDecember 6, 2010 at 11:33 am
I’m considering a move to the Chicago area. Can anyone suggest a good neurologist? I’ll be working in downtown and probably living in the north suburbs.
My diagnosis is multi-focal motor neuropathy with conduction blockages. I’ve been responding well to IVIG for about the past 2 years.
NO personal experience with him, but he is on the board with the foundation. As well he was our neuro’s professor. His name is Barry Arnason at University of Chicago. There are a couple in the group, insist on him.
NO personal experience with him, but he is on the board with the foundation. As well he was our neuro’s professor. His name is Barry Arnason at University of Chicago. There are a couple in the group, insist on him. Where at in the Northerern Sub? If near Lake Bluff, a friend of mine’s daughter who has cidp sees a Dr. Winn, I will ask for location and correct spelling.
AnonymousDecember 6, 2010 at 11:52 am
[FONT=”Microsoft Sans Serif”]i highly recommend the neurologists at northwestern university! there are many and they, not you, decide which one should see you depending upon their areas of specialization. since NW is a top notch teaching hospital, they do have the cream of the crop there– i personally saw 3 of them: drs. driss, sufit and allen. here are their links:
[url][/url]i don’t personally care much for dr. allen’s personality, but like i said, its up to them who you get to see.
good luck,
alice[/FONT] -
AnonymousDecember 7, 2010 at 3:05 pm
I second Alice with going to Northwestern. I have been to U of C and Northwestern. I did not see Dr. Arnoson, but some other neuros in that group. The bedside manner was lacking at U of C, but they were very thorough and spend a LOT of time with you, like an hour plus.
If you are going to NW for peripheral neuropathy, make sure that you tell the receptionist this when making the appt. INSIST on it. I tried to get in, and they put with a different neuro who was not appropriate. I then got that neuro to refer me to the Peripheral Neuropathy clinic. I was impressed with them and there is a multidimensional approach. I met with a nutritionist, a physical therapist, and a psychologist in addition to the neuro.
AnonymousDecember 12, 2010 at 9:42 am
Thanks much for the advice. Will keep it in mind.
This is the first job change since my diagnosis and I’m finding accomodating my damned disease (making sure new insurance covers IVIG, scoping out potential office for wheelchair or just “gimp” access, finding new neuro, etc.) more than a little depressing, as it’s driving home the extent to which this is going to permanantly shape me life. Really appreciate your help in making it a bit easier.
As for which north suburb, Dawn, that depends on where I find a house. Lemme know if you’ve got any leads in that regard. I’ve got a three- and a one-year old, so big yard and good schools are priorities.
Thanks again!
Well, I am trying to sell my moms house in western suburbs, pm me and I could give you details. The Northern suburbs, such as Lake Forest, Winetka, Lake Bluff, Barrington are pretty pricey, million or so for a decent house. Lake forest has great schools. I will PM you my number.
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