Balance problems
AnonymousSeptember 10, 2010 at 3:16 pm
The balance exercises my physical therapist has me do is:
walk sideways for 15 steps one way then the other
walk one foot over the other for 15 steps (first one foot then the other)
walk one foot in back of the other for 15 steps (one foot then the other)
walk forward heel to toe for 15 steps in a straight line looking straight ahead
walk backward the same way for 15 steps in a straight line looking straight aheadI wear an afo on my leg, so these are not so easy with afo and balance problem. but when i started, i couldnt keep my balance. But my balance has improved with these exercise. and with strengthening exercises for the legs and knees and quads. hope this helps
AnonymousSeptember 10, 2010 at 6:29 pm
I have also done balance therapy that works on strengthing my ankles.
Stand on one foot for as long as possible. Then the other one. If you are having trouble, make sure you are close to something to hold onto so you don’t fall down.
Use a wobble board, make circles, push it forward and backward without letting it roll. Do this where there is something to hang onto.
I have trouble with my ankles giving out on uneven surfaces. We used a bean bag type thing and I quickly stepped on it with both feet. Again, make sure there is something to hold onto.
If during any of these exercises your ankle gives out, try something easier or smaller and work your way up.
You can use a resistance band and use it to do strengthening excercises before you get to the more advanced ones that I listed first.
These exercises have helped me. Although, I have enough scar tissue in my ankles to now require braces.
I hope this helps everyone.
Tonya Correll
AnonymousDecember 2, 2010 at 4:39 am
Hi- the first thing I did to improve my balance was to head to the YMCA and a simple water class –
literally walking back and forth across the width of the pool. Yes, at first I had to use a “noodle” but it wasn’t long before I was on my own. Of course it was good resistence training for my legs, arms and torso! Next I used a cane, which helped to give me clues on where my body was in relation to the things around me. My propreoception is still off on those days that I am not so strong. If you have a safe place, try standing with your eyes closed. A balance board is excellent (if some one is with you:eek: } I made the greatest and fastest progress when I join a yoga class (at the YMCA) You only do what you can do. I found it to be a lot of fun and my whole body improved greatly. After the first of the year I plan to do another class. An interesting aside – I didn’t feel so old then (I lost all the years of my 40s and 50s) I can’t run yet but I’m not giving up! -
AnonymousDecember 7, 2010 at 3:06 pm
Hi All,
There are many muscles that are used in balancing when standing. The ones that are still the weakest for me are the muscles in the foot, ankle and lower leg. The wobble board, as someone else said, is great for that. What I also find to be good for strengthening those muscles are to stand on one leg, knee slightly bent and then lift the other leg out to the side for as many repetitions as you can. You can also do the same, lifting the free leg backwards behind you and then in front of you too. The movement of the free leg forces you to move the muscles in the leg that is holding you up and gets some of the small muscles you don’t even know you have. You may have to start with very small movements and have a chair or table nearby to catch yourself if you lose your balance. Hopefully you can work up to bigger movements.
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