Back here again
AnonymousApril 18, 2007 at 4:06 pm
Hi all–
I’m back home and in outpatient rehab (again). After several weeks of no progress after my GBS stint in the hospital, in fact some deteriation, I had news. An MRI showed that I had a disk problem in the thoracic section of my spine. In no way did I want to have a procedure, but the doctor(s) and my wife prevailed. After the surgery I was n a rehab hospital for nine days and then outpatient rehab for three weeks.The result? Over this time period I’ve gone from wheel chair to walker to cane to a kind of stumbling walk without aid.
Now I’m suspicious that I had GBS at all! Except that I still have weakness, fatigue and burning on the bottom of my feet. Any comments from MDs would be appreciated.
My best regards to you folks that have had years worth of misery.
AnonymousApril 18, 2007 at 8:41 pm
First, let me say congradulations on your successful surgery. It’s wonderful that it has helped your mobility so much.
I’m not an MD, but your other symptoms still sound like GBS residuals. You could have had GBS which exacerbated your disk problem.
Best wishes for continued recovery.
AnonymousApril 19, 2007 at 4:05 pm
Welcome back. Sounds like you have had quite a time. I hope you get the answers here you are looking for. Have you been back to your neurologist? They can test you doing an EMG/NCV which will give them an idea of nerve damage. Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
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