Attempt#1 at posting photos
AnonymousJanuary 24, 2009 at 3:11 pm
Yeah!!! I did it! Thanks Norb. Your tutorial was great. I have to practice more but hey, I did pretty good. The fruit picture is a painting and the other two I will leave up to you to decide which is real and which isn’t. :p So that’s what I do when I am not in bed kicking myself. Enjoy and thanks for helping me with my recent struggle.
L -
AnonymousJanuary 25, 2009 at 2:55 am
Perry goat pic test ๐
Wow…….it worked………..did ALL by MYSELF, so there, Cheryl ๐
More to come later.Linda……your paintings are awesome!! I don’t mean to “steal your thunder” ๐
After seeing your post and 1st attempt at this, it just inspired me to Finally try to post my goat pics. I have been procrastinating over this for some time (as Cheryl knows) :’)Per
AnonymousJanuary 25, 2009 at 3:48 am
I’m so impressed Linda! You have a lot of talent! I can’t believe you did that with a paint brush (vs. the computer which can erase mistakes) especially in your condition! Congratulations and I want you to refer back to this posting next time you feel useless – I can’t paint like that!!! Most healthy people can’t either!!! ๐
AnonymousJanuary 26, 2009 at 4:46 am
They will also eat everything in sight. ๐ I’ve never eaten a Boer goat I’ve liked (lived in Southern Africa for 3 years…) but then again most people don’t really feed the goats over there – just let them graze. They will eat anything and with Botswana being mostly a desert most of the goat I ate tasted like plastic bags. ๐ฎThey are pretty cool though, very smart and one of the few goats that climb trees. I can’t tell you how many times I was the butt of the joke when some little kid would come running up and beg me to get their goat out of the tree. So I’d climb up this acacia THORN tree and fetch down a baby goat that could get down much better on it’s own, I found out later. I’m sure they had many laughs at my expense over those goats. :p
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