anyone else have this??
AnonymousAugust 15, 2006 at 10:59 pm
Hi Cara,
The face and especially the mouth area, carry a lot of fine nerve routes. Fatigue seems to be the only thing that brings that residual out, and I used it for a timer many years to get rest. Started to feel about a eigth of an inch of lip go to sleep, then start making the S sound whistles. It has disapated over the years and seems to be almost gone, but I hesitate to say that knowing I haven’t fatigued myself out in a long while.
AnonymousAugust 18, 2006 at 5:43 pm
Hi Cara,
Post-GBS I became a stutterer. Never stuttered before in my life. Especially was worse when very fatigued. The words just got stuck and I couldn’t get them out. Very frustrating as I was a [U]very[/U] fast speaker pre-GBS. Rarely, rarely happens now though. My S’s are still a problem, along with “B’s” and “P’s”. My bottom lip still doesn’t move when I speak due to the residual paralysis from my cranial nerve involvement. To be able to say “B’s” and “P’s” clearly, your bottom lip bounces off the top lip, and in my case that “ain’t” happening. I have to concentrate hard and am self-concious around strangers because of it. Around family and friends, not so much. Like everything else it is worse at the end of the day.
All that being said, it is much better than it was at the beginning……still can’t whistle, but hey, whistling is over-rated anyways……:)
best wishes to you,
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