Any Sopranos Fans?
AnonymousJune 15, 2007 at 4:09 pm
Dear Chrissy:
Tony did live. For how long? Well, that is the big question. I heard an interview by the creator of the show that said Tony was stuck in a purgatory of his own creation when his whole world collapsed. I think the ending was perfect. The show was all about the psychological and moral wasteland that was Tony Saprano’s world, and that is where we left Tony. The show, in a way came back to the first episode when Tony was in the psychologists office trying to make sense out of his twisted world where Tony was doing horrendous things, while still thinking of himself as a good guy.
AnonymousJune 15, 2007 at 5:18 pm
Hi Lee,
What I read today was that a few episodes ago Tony was talking with his bro-in-law Bobby about what happens when you die, and Tony said he thinks everything goes black. The story I read said Tony was thinking that when he was laying on the bed with a rifle. So… quite possibly, when that “members only” guy went to the bathroom he could have blown things up and no one survived, or came out and killed only Tony.
Of course, I totally agree with what you said. And we will never really know. I have to admit the talking of this show after it is done with is fun. The show has us talking… and thinking.
AnonymousJune 15, 2007 at 10:44 pm
Dear Chrissy:
I see your point about the fading to black. I didn’t consider that angle. Thanks for giving me something else to ponder.
I think The Sopranos worked on many different levels. At it’s simplest, it is a mob story. But this show also delves deep into the psyche of the characters, and that is what makes the show interesting. I think the slower episodes, and by slow I mean the ones where nobody gets whacked, had the most interesting content.
If you enjoy shows which make you think, then I would recommend Carnivale and Six Feet Under. Both of those shows would also have you thinking, and finding more meaning to the show several days after you watched an episode. I still have conversations with people about the ending of Carnivale and it’s been over a year since I have seen it.
AnonymousJune 16, 2007 at 10:56 am
For me the ending was the biggest disappointment. But I do think David Chase has a movie up his sleeve for the future, so killing off Tony, Paulie and Silvio would mean no future movie.
Hell I’d have done a great job and whacked everyone on the show, starting with AJ the little sniveling brat. Oh I think I’d let Meadow live and she can run the mob, she’d be ruthless at it. There are so many theories floating around the net about the ending.
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