Any funds/organizations support the cost of IVIG?
AnonymousJune 3, 2008 at 10:05 pm
Nice to meet you. I also was in the same situation for a time with IVIG. Not sure which brand of IVIG you recieve but each manufacturer has some sort of financial aid on their website. Also here is a site that has even more help. It is [B]www dot needymeds dot org[/B]. If you need any help please email me anytime, [B]jerimyschilz at[/B]
Take care.
Jerimy -
AnonymousJune 5, 2008 at 9:14 am
Thanks both of you for the great advices. I’ll look for the government support for sure! However, I have no sources of any IG manufacturer. So, if you could tell me some IG manufacturers, I would greatly appreciate your help. Also, can you recommend the best/ most effective brand of IG that most patients agree with?
I have not had IVIG since Aug 2007. Recently, I’ve received only pulse steriod and some other oral meds. 2 weeks ago, I felt that my condition had not been improved for awhile. So, I started thinking about the IVIG again, but my neuro said it would cost me a lot and I needed it many shots to get back to be normal (or almost). So, I really have no idea what I should do…
Please advise…
“I’ll fight with it”
AnonymousJune 7, 2008 at 12:05 pm
a magazine called ‘IG Living’. It’s sponsored by many manufacturers and you can view current and back issues on-line.
It is chock full of info about ‘access’ and support in getting IVIG. I have had a rare occasion to contact the magazine staff about IVIG problems and they were wonderful and very responsive. Others I know who get IVIG have been helped by them as well.
It also lists all the manufacturers on back reference pages and lots of support groups as well. Many of these manufacturers have world-wide offices and the IGLiving folks mite be able to steer you to the right key people. Worth a try for sure, no?
As for brands of IVIG? Well some folks have certain IgA and IgM intolerances and these should be tested for before receiving any particular brand. Sometimes the minute content differences make a BIG difference to any given person.
I hope this helps and I hope you get to read and learn more about IVIG. Often, w/some insurance plans…IVIG can be specially approved if steroids are shown not to work. That is something you and your doctors are going to have to wrestle with. Keep on fighting! Then nap when you get too tired-recharge and start again!
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