All Most There
AnonymousMay 3, 2007 at 4:10 pm
Just thought I would post an up-date. First I would like to thank everyone on this sight for all the information on GBS. I thought maybe if I posted on my recovery it might help someone that is going thou something similar to what I went thou. It takes time but you will recover. Mine started on 1/11/07 with double vision. The next day I went to the E.R. unable to walk. Was admitted that night and was told two day later I GBS Miller Fisher Variant. Spent Eight days in the hospital with five days of IVIG. Two weeks with a walker, and then two week with a cane. Had five weeks of PT during that time. Was walking with out aid and felling reasonably well but still had double vision after six week. I could only see about two feet with out double vision. Then from week six to week fourteen I felt as if I wasn’t improving at all. It was every discouraging was staring to would if I was ever going to get any better. At my last visit to the optometrist he had a prism made for my right eye. Witch help with the double vision but distorted every thing on the right side of my sight. But after wearing it for a week my vision started improving. I could see about ten feet with out the double vision. Now two week after getting the prism and sixteen weeks for the on-set. My vision is all most back to normal the only time I still need the prism is late at night when my eyes are tired. I revisit my optometrist, neurologist, and family doctor all the week of 5/14 and hoping to return to work on 5/21.
I’ll let you all know how it go after that. Take Care AllDave
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