A couple concerns for a newbie!
AnonymousAugust 11, 2007 at 9:25 am
I am new to writing on this forum but not new to reading them. I was diagnosed with GBS on April 22, 2007 and spent 7 weeks in the hospital (Thanks for the visit Jerimy). GBS only affected my legs (complete paralysis) and my arms and hands slightly. I am now home and finished out-patient therapy (because insurance won’t pay for it anymore). I am walking for the most part with a walker and around the house with nothing (toddling along the walls for the most part) but I have a couple questions.
First of all, this is my second time having GBS. I had it when I was two and at the time I was the youngest person to have it and survive it. I remember my mother telling me a story that when I came home from the hospital all my eyelashes fell out. Now I have noticed my hair is falling out. I am not losing enough for anyone to notice but it is just really thinning out. Is this a common problem with GBS?
My second question is regarding driving. I have three teenagers in three different activities and I am still not allowed to drive. Plus with doctor appointments and things it is crazy. I feel as if I could drive but don’t want to get into or cause any accidents. What are the requirements to drive? I am getting my ankle strength back but it is not 100% yet.
I would appreciate any input on these concerns. I am only working with my re-hab doctor because I refuse to go see my primary doctor (he mis-diagnosed me for 6 weeks even though I would ask him at every appointment if this could be GBS) and my re-hab doctor is a very busy person and really can only see me every two months.
AnonymousAugust 11, 2007 at 9:38 am
Welcome to the forums Elbee!! I also had GBS twice, when I was 21 in 1991, and last year 2006 I was 37. Ask for help!!!!! Don’t get run down. I have 2 busy little girls, and I just had to lean on my friends and family. You could probably drive, but it wouldn’t be real safe. Wait until you legs are stronger and you can “slam on the brakes”, if you need to. Glad to hear you have a good Dr. to work with! I will keep you in my prayers.
AnonymousAugust 11, 2007 at 10:55 am
I was just wondering, was your state driver’s license actually revoked? Mine was, as when I applied for a handicapped placard one of the questions was, “Can the patient drive?” I was basically a quad, so my license was revoked. But 3 years later, when I was walking with a cane & AFOs, I went & retested & passed both the permit & the driving test. I have almost nothing below the knees, totally weak ankles, but can push the accelerator down enought to drive. I use my left foot for braking, have been doing this for 2 1/2years now, & I think I do just fine.
If you still have your license, have someone take you to a remote area & see how you do with driving. If you feel comfortable driving, then why shouldn’t you? You would probably be better than most teenage drivers on the road! Also, experience counts for a lot. But I think you yourself will know if you are ready.
Good luck, Pam -
AnonymousAugust 11, 2007 at 12:33 pm
Hi Elbee, Welcome to the Family. I had/have alot of hair loss as well, not exactly sure what is causing it, but there are others here with the same-you are not alone on that front. As for driving, as long as you feel comfortable driving, and your dr didn’t file a restriction against you driving, then try it and see how you do. Go out in the country or in a desertted parking lot and see how well you do. I didn’t do too much driving the first year, not enough strength, mental ability to concentrate, and ability to remember where I was going:rolleyes: I tried it one time and knew right away that I wasn’t ready. After a time or two I felt I had to drive so I did it. For short trips at first (a year) and now i’m up to about 30 miles-on good days. I do have days where I can’t drive at all, it just depends on residuals and so forth. Don’t be afraid to try new things, you are in control of your body not the syndrome. Take care.:)
AnonymousAugust 11, 2007 at 1:50 pm
I agree with the others on waiting until you are absolutely able to drive. It is like walking you might be able to walk there (drive there) but you also have to save enough energy to drive back home! Applying the brake is only part of it….in an emergency reflexes are slower. Holding the brake on at a stop sign or red light can also be a problem. Doing that for awhile might case the muscle to relax and you let up enough to drift into the car in front of you. Since our strenght changes from day to day it is hard to tell if you are able. You don’t want to find out once you have started your trip that you are not able. Rely on friends and family as much as you can…..it is safer. You get into an accident with this you could face legal problems and some charges as nasty as DUI and loose your license. Just like if you were taking seizures. You do not want to get yourself in that situation…it might be only a few more months until you can walk better and that is a sure sign things are getting stronger in the legs, arms and hips and back. All comes down to better safe than sorry!
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