9 month update no new baby steps
AnonymousSeptember 26, 2010 at 10:08 am
Well, here is my 9 month post IVIG update. It has been a month of worry. Not really sure but I think and so does my family doctor that I had a viral infection which retriggered some old GBS numbness, tightness of muscle (chest and back) which was treated as a cardiac event by the call doctor and emergency room. STRESS, STRESS STRESS. Virus went away and all is back to normal. Did have a cardiac stress test done with meds not treadmill since walking a distance is still difficult and I lived through that test witout any harmful side effects or relaspe. No new baby steps to report. But, we are planning our frist driving road trip. 1100 miles in two days then returning a week later. This will be my first long driving experience so I will let you all know how that goes. I am still working full time (nine hours per day) with a rest in morning and afternoon and a nap when I get home. Feet are still numb, numbness returns to my hands when tired but this is all bearable and fatigue is still a factor in daily life. I figure that I am 80% better and can function at this level if this is as good as it gets. I am anticipating more improvements and I am realixtic that from this point on it improvements will be small and take time. I still follow the fourm daily and hope and pray that we all improve.
Harryb -
AnonymousSeptember 26, 2010 at 8:02 pm
Harry –
So glad to hear from you again! We are doing this GBS thing in parellel – my feet are still numb, I am able to work again – and I am glad for what I have. I bet you do have a baby step or two – you just don’t recognize them. I can hang sheets out on the line again. Is that a baby step, or just life as usual? I think, if you reread your post, you’ll find some baby steps there – my goodness – going on a long trip such as you are planning! What fun, and how grand for you. Please let us know how sitting for so long affects you. I am glad your heart seems to be doing okay – my BP is all over the map, and now my heart rate is very low. I am sure it is GBS related, I never had this kind of problem before. And I refuse to think it migh just be the process of getting closer to being able to pull out the AARP card and using it! 🙂 (actually I am eligable, but just don’t want to admit it by applying) So – have a great trip and keep in touch!
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