2.5 years later – finally returning to finish nursing school!
AnonymousAugust 18, 2008 at 1:07 pm
Some may remember me, some may not, but I came down w/gbs in February 2006, at age 32 in my junior year of college. I just wanted to share the good news that I am finall returning to nursing school this fall, and finish my last 2 years. I am happy and lucky to report that there are days when I feel even better than when before I became ill. I started jogging, walking and I exercise almost every day, so I finally feel I will be able to work a nursing job. I still have minor residuals, like tingling in my feet, or my legs when I kneel for an extended period of time. I feel I am so lucky to have recovered and I want to give back to the medical community. I think being a gbs patient has given me lessons that will never get taught in a school. I will try to pop in now and then! Everyone on this board has been such a great inspiration to me, and a big help in recovery. I wish you all the best.
Thank you all
cara -
AnonymousAugust 18, 2008 at 1:50 pm
I am new to this forum. I have been an RN for 20 yrs. and worked in hosp. for 34 yrs. Nursing is a great profession. I loved what I was doing when I was striken with GBS in April 2007. Did it take the 2.5 yrs. for you to fully recover? It has been 16 mo. for me & I still use a rollator to walk, don’t drive & have lots of pain. Again, congratulations and hang in there nursing school can be tough. Good Luck
Cathy C.:)
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