You made a good point…

October 18, 2007 at 4:55 pm

It reminded of of FDR & his making sure he was never photographed in a wheelchair… It would have definitely hurt his chances of being relected for president if people had know how disabled he really was. I also remember Terri Garr going on a late night talk show a few years ago, talking about her MS & even showing an AFO she had to use. Apparently being ill or disabled means a kiss of death in the entertainment business.

I will cut Andy Griffith some slack on this one, all those years (since Matlock, anyways), he may have had more residuals than he wanted either the public or his employers to know. I sure hope things are a little better now; imagine Christopher Reeves making that remake of Rear Window in his condition, what an effort that must have taken! I still think he was a wonderful role model, even if it did take 24 people to take care of him around the clock. He never gave up trying to help with spinal cord injuries, right up until the end…