You ARE gonna make it!

January 9, 2009 at 12:01 pm

And, you will be stellar as a nurse!
Goodness knows, you KNOW better than most what it means to be a patient. And also how to be patient.
You will be an asset as your ears and brain are going to be far more keen about the truth and lies some say about their pain. The patients may never know why, but for those in real pain? You are gonna be special to them!
Keep up your strength and pace yourself when you can, and have the faith to achieve it all!
My own first ‘nurse’ was my first IV nurse. She is a life long type 1 diabetic who has experienced more needles than I ever will….but she was keen on learning about what might be going wrong when I got any reaction [mostly minor at the time] but still, alert to those changes that could be problems or life-threatening. Problems are avoided with the knowledges!
Go for it!