Yoga on hold

June 28, 2010 at 5:12 pm

You all were right! My mind wants to do things my body isn’t ready for, and may never be ready for again. I cleaned out my closet last week. It took about 2 hours. The movement of raising my arms and pulling hangers out of my closet made me relaspe:( I spent the next 4 days in bed, in pain and immobile. Yoga, yeah right, I can’t even blow dry my hair without severe pain. What was I thinking? I guess it was wishful thinking. Thank you all for your advice. Because of it, I didn’t jump into yoga and just cleaned out my closet. Had I taken a yoga class, I would have most likely ended up in the hospital. Thanks again for keeping me grounded without deflating my balloon:)
Hugs and kisses, Flo