Yes, Elder Care Attorney Can Help

September 27, 2010 at 8:09 am

Good advice from Dawn. But each case is different. For instance, I am single and do not own a home. But forget me, the elder care attorney may be able to lessen the blow. Consult one. I considered a trust but was told that I could not regain personal control once I was better, so that was out. I found my elder care attorney through the rehab place. They offered three names and I picked the one from hell. He wanted $750.00 for one hour to discuss my options. And he wanted it before we spoke. In the end, I did get some help from the Medicaid people, but they went after all the cash assets I had first. When that was gone they subsidized the balance of payments minus my net monthly income for the months of my confinement.
Back to the reason for the post: Check the number of rehab days you have on your insurance policy and think about what you will do when they run out. I could have switched insurance carriers and gotten another 100 days but my rehab place did not take that carrier. Insult to injury.
Did you know that Medicare will give you another 100 days if you are out of the facility for 90 days. But where would you go – you need a family to take care of you.
Thanks Dawn, for the eldercare attorney advice. This is of great importance. Lots of people should be thinking about this before they get sick. What happens if I get sick? Also, consult with the social worker at the facility, along with the Medicaid Coordinator.
I wish this post could get to healthy people before they get GBS.