Willie, Please check out…
the web site for IGLiving. It’s a magazine put out by IVIG manufactures and is designed to help those of us on IVIG and access to it.
I suggest that you sign up to their on line magazine [hey, paperless] and read a lot of the back issues. Then contact them, once you have some background about how peculiar getting IVIG can be, even with insurance! I know many, many folks who have gotten more help from this resource than I ever imagined possible. It is certainly worth a try. Nothing ventured nothing gained, as they say. IF you get the help AND treatment you need, when you need it, you might not need it for a long term! That is what I truly, from my heart wish for you.
Try it? At least it’s free. Just know that replies aren’t exactly returned the next day? Give it a 3-4 day time and then be surpised when they call you back!
Please give this good resource a try?