Why I don’t trust the CDC….
[B]Why I don’t trust the CDC:[/B]
The Washington Post
November 8, 2009
[B]Editorial commentary:[/B]
You’ve likely seen the images in the news, and perhaps even personally — long lines of people, including children and pregnant women, waiting to be the latest guinea pig to receive the swine flu vaccine.
If you read only the headlines, you’re left with the impression that the biggest tragedy is not enough vaccine to go around, and may even shake your head that “high-risk” groups like children and people with asthma are being turned away.
But then through all the fanfare come a few quiet, and sometimes not so quiet, voices of reason. Voices from doctors who are NOT recommending the swine flu vaccination for their patients because it is just too new and untested.
Voices from health care workers who say they will also refuse the swine flu vaccine because of potential side effects and questions about the vaccine’s efficacy.
And voices from mothers, fathers and pregnant women alike who have opted to not get the vaccine for themselves or their children because the risks appear to greatly outweigh any benefits.
And it is this growing group of voices that is now starting to give the latest propaganda techniques used to frighten you into accepting a swine flu vaccine, a real run for their money!
Why Are Doctors and Health Care Workers Refusing the Swine Flu Vaccine?
In May of this year researchers distributed 810 questionnaires to public hospital workers. Less than half of the nearly 400 workers who returned the questionnaires intended to accept H1N1 vaccination.
This is very telling, though not surprising considering the majority of health care workers also refuse the seasonal flu shot.
The most common reason given for refusal, and rightfully so, was potential side effects, followed by questions about the vaccine’s efficacy.
[B]Even among a focus group of 85 people, very few said they would get vaccinated in the event of a pandemic. Again, many noted the risks involved in using newly developed vaccines that are rushed to market as a primary concern. Many also believed, correctly I might add, that they could protect themselves through their own behavior, including:[/B]
•Frequent handwashing
•Staying away from crowded places and sick people
•Eating well to maintain their immune system
[B]Further, a revealing article written by Richard Gale, a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries, and Dr. Gary Null, author of Vaccine Nation, stated:[/B]
“Increasing numbers of scientists and doctors are issuing harsh criticisms of the government’s plan to vaccinate virtually the entire U.S. population with a poorly tested vaccine that is not only ineffective against swine flu, but could cripple and even kill many more people than it helps.”
Fortunately, this site, and many others seeking to shed light on this deceptive manipulation of facts about the swine flu, are having a significant influence, and people are refusing to believe the government propaganda.
[B]Vaccine safety advocates everywhere are beginning to make a serious dent. According to a recent Fox News poll, the majority of people in the U.S. now believe the swine flu vaccine may be deadlier than the actual virus.
Weighing the Risks versus the Benefits[/B]
Any time you opt for a medical procedure, including vaccination, you must decide whether the risks outweigh the benefits. There are always risks of any procedure, and in the case of the H1N1 vaccine, the risks are potentially steep.
Senior neurologists sent a confidential letter to the UK government warning that the swine flu vaccine has been linked to a deadly nerve disease known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). GBS attacks the lining of your nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal.
German lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has also come out about even more potential health risks associated with the swine flu vaccine. According to Dr. Wodarg, the swine flu vaccine contains animal cancer cells, and there’s no data indicating whether or not this may cause an allergic reaction when injected.
It also raises questions about the risk of contracting cancer.
[B]Likewise, Johannes Löwer, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, believes the side effects of the vaccine can be far worse than the actual swine flu virus, which typically causes only mild symptoms, requiring just a few days in bed.
Swine Flu Cases are being Greatly Exaggerated[/B]
Now that we’ve looked at the risks, so what are the benefits? When you consider how over-hyped the swine flu “pandemic” really is, not much.
It amazes me that despite all the evidence to the contrary, health officials and mass media are still saying the swine flu could kill some 90,000 Americans — if we don’t all get vaccinated.
There is simply NO evidence to support this outlandish projection. The evidence actually points to the exact opposite, that this season will have LESS deaths from flu than last year.
The data is very clear that it’s a milder than normal virus. Only a few percent of all cases with the designation “swine flu” are actually the H1N1 virus. In the Southern Hemisphere, people got over the wave of the flu just fine, before the vaccine even became available.
As of August 30, 2009, the CDC ceased testing and counting actual H1N1 virus infections. As of that date, any and all cases or deaths of people exhibiting “flu like symptoms” are automatically tallied as an “H1N1 case,” artificially driving up the perceived threat.
The CDC’s public explanation is that they are convinced a pandemic is underway and, therefore, accurate monitoring is unnecessary because it’s so widespread, world-wide.
However, as I’ll show you in just a moment, this is simply not true! Yes, the H1N1 virus has appeared world-wide, but it is not the CAUSE of most flu like illness and death. In fact, the H1N1 virus is a tiny player, causing very little trouble.
CBS News, after conducting a three-month investigation into the swine flu statistics, uncovered a number of very sobering facts that clearly show this swine flu pandemic for the cruel hoax it really is.
[B]What did they find? CBS reported:[/B]
“The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico.”
According to the CBS News study, when you come down with chills, fever, cough, runny nose, malaise and all those other “flu-like” symptoms, the illness is likely caused by influenza at most, 17 percent of the time, and as little as 3 percent! The other 83 to 97 percent of the time it’s caused by other viruses or bacteria.
So remember that not every illness that appears to be the flu actually is the flu. In fact, most of the time it’s not.
Curiously, the CDC still advises those who were told they had 2009 H1N1 (and therefore should be immune to getting it again) to get vaccinated unless they had lab confirmation.
Is the Real Source of the Swine Flu Related to Filthy Factory Farms?
It is interesting to note that scientists working to understand the genetic makeup of the H1N1 virus have linked it to a virus behind a 1998 swine flu outbreak at a massive industrial pig farm in North Carolina.
[B]The Raleigh News & Observer cited Raul Rabadan, a Columbia University scientist who’s studying the new virus’s genetics, who said:[/B]
“This virus was found in pigs here in the United States. They were getting sick in 1998. It became a swine virus.
It spread among pregnant sows in Newton Grove, N.C., causing them to abort their litters. The virus then spread to pigs in Texas, Iowa and Minnesota — putting epidemiologists on alert about the new viral strain and the potential for a human outbreak.”
When North Carolina public health officials tested workers at the pig farm back in 1998, 10 percent of workers had developed antibodies to the virus, which means they had been infected but not become ill.
If it’s true that this latest hysteria over swine flu can, in fact, be traced back to a factory farm, it raises a whole new set of issues that are being completely ignored by both government officials and the media.
[B]As the Humane Society of the United States pointed out:[/B]
“When thousands of pigs are overcrowded into cramped stalls and pens inside massive, unsanitary, warehouse-like sheds, it’s a veritable breeding ground for disease. As the former executive director of the Pew Commission on Industrial Animal Farm Production described, “Industrial farms are super-incubators for viruses.””
And the people working at those farms can easily become a bridge for the viruses to reach the general population.
So instead of waging a giant media campaign geared toward getting the entire U.S. population a swine flu vaccination, what public health officials and government should be doing is waging a war against agribusiness giants that are perpetuating this kind of unnatural and unhealthy form of food production.
Natural methods, once again, will prove to be the answer here, and should be used to grow any food you buy as well as form the basis of your flu prevention lifestyle.
[B]About the writer:[/B]
Dr. Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web site, Mercola.com. You can learn the hazardous side effects of OTC Remedies by getting a FREE copy of his latest special report The Dangers of Over the Counter Remedies by going to his to his Report Page. END