Welcome Shirley

May 2, 2008 at 11:40 am


Welcome to the family.

I’m in Missouri, so I don’t know if I can be of any assistance as far as finding a “good doctor.”

I will state that during my hospitalization, my pulmonologist took a special interest in my case (he had treated many, MANY, MANY of cases of GBS in Egypt….80+). He basically overtook my care and instructed the neurologist what tests needed to be done, and what direction of care to take. Took time and listened to what I had to say.

At one point, I was extibated too early, and had to be re-intibated on an emergent basis….he came in that NIGHT and asked everyone else to leave, shutting the door. Then he explained what was happening and the direction of care we were going to take. He was not soft. He instructed that managed care was a direction that I could go, with a permanent vent, if improvement was not happening…..then he instructed what I needed to do to go another way.

Really a special man. Who took time, and my wife and I appreciated that.

Take care Shirley.