Update 7/27/2010

July 27, 2010 at 9:32 pm

CIDP has really been flaring up the last two days. My feet feel like they’re on fire and a lot of numbness, my fingers have been burning and the tips look like a prune and are numb, my skin on my lower legs and lower arms is crawling, and my right arm and right leg aren’t working 100% correctly. This occurs on a 2 week interval, but this is the worst it’s been in awhile. 😡

I had a B-12 injection this evening and hope that will keep it at bay until my next PE, but if not I will go in this coming Friday for a PE. I just got back from the gym. Worked on upper body, 30 sit ups, 40 minutes on the elliptical machine and 10 on the treadmill. I’m pooped again. My burning feets wanted to stop after 4 minutes … one must press on.

This “syndrom” sucks!

As Monty Python says … “And now for something really different” … I think I’m going to visit “The Lighter Side” and get some laughs … here’s hoping Jim’s posted some amusing photos … Then it’s off to the Tavern. I sure hope some of my old buddies are there.
