To Brett

July 21, 2008 at 3:54 pm

Hey GBS guy-I bet we girls at the tavern could come up with a better name for you, since we heard you sing with that openshirt and gorgeous eyes and all.:D 😀 Just a thought-probably would crack everyone up at your office and you would really spin in your chair…….

Welcome to the senior member club-I didn’t even know what it meant till someone told me. Now I will have to go back and figure who my 100th was. Might be Norb too. Hey, how did your dad like your home? How did your date with your beautiful women go???

Have a first to share with everyone-got a call from my 6 year old granddaughter-it is the first time she has ever called me!!!! Usually daddy prompts her to say hi or bye, so this is a first. Thanks to her, hey, even with the pain, my day is great.:)
