Hello and Good Afternoon,
My daughter has had a bough with Tinnitus. I would say we were about 9 mos into IVIG therapy when it occured. Her Dr. also has stated that there is no correlation between tinnitus, treatment or CIDP.. the good news is it has gone away… at least for now…
I have read your interesting discussion about tinnitus. To clarily your thoughts on the topic, there is absolutely no evidence of a connection between GBS and tinnitus. I understand that it can be very painful and I hope that anyone who has it has a mild case.
Barbara Katzman
Exec. Director
GBS/CIDP Foundation
No, my tinnitus was self induced I’m sorry to say. 🙁 1970’s rock concerts along with listening to blasting music with headphones on. Who knew? :confused:
For a long time I just thought what was happening to my hearing was just normal, everyone heard the high pitched “background noise”. You hear things said about ears “ringing” so I just thought it was a normal thing. I’ve always been able to kind of filter it out, or ignore it. Not until several years ago did I even know that there is such a thing called tinnitus.
Since Lyrica, however, the tinnitus sometimes interferes with my hearing. I can’t filter it out at times and I can’t hear certain frequencies as well. Also, there are times when it seems to be really bad and I can’t think about anything else but that high pitched staccato tone in my head. I’ll be talking with the neuro about it in the near future. However, so far, the tinnitus isn’t nearly bad enough to out weigh the pain in my feet.