This is a good place to go to for many of your issues!
They’ve got a great web site
url- and go to their index.. Diagnosis is far harder than it seems on the surface…until you look at this index. Also go to the top and take a look under ‘ lab tests’, and it’ll give you insight as to the multitude of tests that it can take to get any diagnosis. Go down to the ‘n’s’ and look at neuropathies…go from there. Lots of doc tech talk? But it IS sort of in ENGLISH and w/a medical dictionary on another screen? You should be able to translate most of it and get the ‘gist’.
Insurance companies are not kind these days, nor are they acting sensibly at times. Call your insurance co’s 800 # and ask who you can speak to to help you…sometimes it works, sometimes not… depends on the insurance company and the luck you have IF you get a good insurance rep.
Ask your friends or relatives if one could come and help you for this? Make it clear that it’s a one or two time thing… and that IF you get help? You’ll be better to take care of your hubby. Make sense?
Hoping for you and wishing good things to come out of this…help medically and other sources as well.