thanks sharon

December 5, 2010 at 1:45 pm

yes i recently did a prednisone trial and got worse on the pred. I dont think at this point i have given the ivig enough time to make a definite decision. For the past year i had ivig every 12 weeks and just recently was changed to every 6 weeks–so ive only had one treatment thats been 6 weeks apart so far. I see my dr in feb–the same day as i finish my 3rd ivig @ every 6 weeks. so im hoping at that time i’ll have a better idea on the ivig. At every 12 weeks for a year i had some improvement and nothing got worse–so i should give it a chance at every 6 weeks. I asked my neuro about monthly but she said no for some reason??? I also have not tried plasma exchange and possibly should try that before sct??–im not sure. In my cidp i tested positive for vgkc antibodies on a paraneoplastic panel lab test. I would think there should be a way to keep filtering the blood until the antibody level is 0 since they know what they are looking for–but im not a dr. and i guess it isnt as easy as that. I appreciate all the info you have all offered on the sct–makes me feel real positive about it : ) so after the sct did you regain all the strength and feeling in your lower legs. If so how long after the procedure did it take? how long did you try the ivig and did you have any response from it? sometimes i find it real hard to determine if im getting better on it–then i think of things that are easier now than a year ago before ivig–it s such a slow gradual thing its really hard to determine. Lori