Thanks for the reply
Hi, Alice; thanks for the reply. I am just figuring out how to navigate on this site, so please excuse my errors; it’s all new to me, and electronic stuff always mind-boggles me. I’m glad that the prednisone is working for you. I use corticosteroids for asthma, and can’t use any more meds due to chemical reactions and allergies, and other medical conditions, etc. (gee, I’m boring!)
Have you been able to learn how to walk again? As for me, I’m pretty shaky at times, and if my rollator didn’t speak for me, I’d be publicly viewed as “drunk” when I’m out for a walk. But, being an outdoor/indoor type, I’ve just got to go outdoors sometimes, and check out the weather, and Mother Nature, and my favourite haunts, all with the help of my rollator, of course.
— Donna U.